The universe itself is God

So the Nile Croc previously pictured is not a "fearfully great reptile"?

Your line of thinking is false equivalency through confirmation bias.

Your logic is:

A) There's evidence for breakfast cereals.

B) There's such thing as a Navy with a rank of Captain.

C) Therefore since A & B is true, this makes Captain Crunch real.

This is very detrimental thinking that drags societies.

oh, boy... where does one start... :)

youre misunderstanding the references otherwise you would not have post that response

this all started with someone saying inaccurately that the bible does not reference dinosaurs remember? so i posted a reference to make aware that the bible does indeed reference dinosaurs.

peace :)
oh, boy... where does one start... :)

youre misunderstanding the references otherwise you would not have post that response

this all started with someone saying inaccurately that the bible does not reference dinosaurs remember? so i posted a reference to make aware that the bible does indeed reference dinosaurs.

peace :)

Red Herring much?


What I'm saying I can back it up with evidence based science.

You are working through confirmation, and cognitive biases.

How We Learn - Synapses and Neural Pathways

Critical Thinking, Confirmation Bias, & You

hey, dalek :)

what i was attempting to clarify previously is that some of your statements you do not apply to yourself & you dont realize this.

for example, using a previous post of yours & references from the your video links...

'confirmation bias' — how does non-critical thinking happen, how is it undermined?

'people tend to acknowledge only information they already believe'. <--- this is you

'natural need for social inclusion could suspend our abilities to think critically'. <--- this is you

'we may prefer to remain in social groups that have certain attitudes, because questioning those values & attitudes might upset people close to us'. <--- this is you

see? get the picture? these statements can be used on anything we dont agree with, fill in the blanks. THIS IS NOT EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE. that was someone's antidotal psychological hypothesis. does not mean it is true, nevertheless i just used it on you since you posted it. one could say youre blinded by your own beliefs.

all im asking from anyone is answer my posts with scientific empirical evidence, otherwise, your posts & others are just antidotal, unsupported positions :)

answer the nasa & alexander vilenkin links, the hebrew texts i posted, or, stay within your social comfort group. :)
i challenge anyone to think critically otherwise they are the ones as you say are '...very detrimental thinking that drags societies'

see? playing by your rules ;)

peace :)

Did you know:

That Schizophrenics have high levels of Dopamine?

Dopamine can cause hallucinations, and feelings of oneness with the universe?

Dopamine strengthens neurological pathways, and this is why trying to talk someone out of an addiction is a difficult task.

Drugs, and thought release Dopamine, and it's related to creativity. In other words it can be a force of progress, or people making up meaning where there is none (regress).

Can totally see it on the creative side, I spend a fair bit of time there lol
At x15

You have been refuted. What difference does it make that the Bible got two 50/50 chances right (plants before animals & dark before light) when it has so many other things wrong?

The Bible does not describe animals that went extinct millions of years ago.

I'm going by evidence while you're the one that has to twist things to fit your world view.

I'll post pics to entertain/educate others, and continue to do so.


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If the sky wizard performs the act of believing in himself then, by the sky wizard, belief will be in him!

Besides your argument from ignorance, what made God?

Lol call him ignorant becuase he made a badass point... Question you for. Do you think our minds can handle every form of knowledge our universe(and outside our universe) has to offer (not all at once but individually) or is there a point were some sort of knowledge is so complex our human minds could never comprehend or understand it? Would we then just call that type of knowledge "fake" or "unreal" just because our minds can't handle it and it make no sense to us humans, even tho it would be a real presents in this universe we live in? Just somthing we don't have the equipment in our minds to process?
Lol call him ignorant becuase he made a badass point... Question you for. Do you think our minds can handle every form of knowledge our universe(and outside our universe) has to offer (not all at once but individually) or is there a point were some sort of knowledge is so complex our human minds could never comprehend or understand it? Would we then just call that type of knowledge "fake" or "unreal" just because our minds can't handle it and it make no sense to us humans, even tho it would be a real presents in this universe we live in? Just somthing we don't have the equipment in our minds to process?

It's not a badass point, but a logical fallacy.

Sure there can be things incomprehensible, but we are learning. Quantum mechanics would make the average person's head spin.

You do realize we are evolved mutated crazy apes?


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Science lies.
Still beats a talking snake.
Or the idea of a human living three days in the belly of a whale.
Or a flood that covered the entire earth. (Where did the water go?)
The bible also has a dark side. Do you know what it means to put an entire city to the sword? Yeah, not pretty. Kinda takes ethnic cleansing to a new level.
Slavery is peachy, incest divine. Gotta love the bible...
A simply perfect explanation is found in the Wonder of THE GREAT UNKNOWN. Only after this is discovered, will we begin to see how much NOTHING actually matters.
Don't fall for the new age bullshit. You are NOT God. Nor ever will Be.
I believe they said the universe itself was GOD, but who on earth can prove they know. The answer is so simply perfect that it continues to be overlooked, or in some cases like yours, ignored all together. We'll figure it out one day :blsmoke: