The Universe and God.


New Member
First, to establish the premis that God exists is beyond my ability, I can believe it or not. For the purpose of this discussion I am proposing that in fact he does exist.
My theory concerning God and the universe is as follows, comments and arguements are welcomed:
Lets suppose that there are billions of habital planets, not that unbelievable if the universe has no beginning and no end.
Lets also suppose that God Is as postulated in the Bible, all knowing, and all powerful.
Now, can one believe that there would not be inhabitants on most of the habital planets?
Of course not. to believe this would be extremely selfish and ignorant. Therefore accepting the premis that there are billions of inhabital planets in the universe, and God is in control of the universe, my belief goes something like this:
We are born on one of these planets, like our earth for example, our spirit inhabits a body of some sort, and education of the spirit begins. My theory supposes that earth is dubbed as the "War" planet,as described in the Bible, "There will be Wars and rumors of wars". We must therefore be schooled in the evils of war on this planet. Why some like it and all that goes with it is a mystery to me, there must be some Greed being expressed by the "evil" ones. Now, being there are billions of other inhabital planets, why not suppose that when we die on this one, our spirit moves on to another one, some better. some worse? Maybe someone like Hitler goes to a planet that has monsters chasing him for many years, and some one like Mother Theresa goes to a heavenlike planet where every kind of fruit grows ripe on all the trees all year long and peace is eternal.
These are two extremes, but variants of these planets from unimaginable chaos and violence to the heavenlike could be present throughout the universe and may be our destination after death on this planet.
If we presume that God is everywhere and all powerful, could not he arrange this spiritual tranfer accross the universe?
This is my theory and I'm stickin to it. Comments are welcomed, please be kind.


New Member
I guess you all agree with me then, as no arguements have been presented. "Live long and prosper", your next life may or may not be as good as this one.
Funny quote I found

The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever
if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master
so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a
rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree... yeah, makes perfect


Well-Known Member
I want what your smoking.....

I prefer to think of our minds as extra dimensional entities, if the are anything at all.

I was going to make my own thread, but maybe I can post my theory here.

The other day i was thinking about consciousness and tried to relate it to quantum theory and began to think about entropy. As stated in thermodynamics, systems of variables get more complex as time goes on, meaning that events in a system in relation to time will increase novelty. Now as humans, or self-aware creatures what is the most novel experience you can imagine.......thats right, DEATH. So I posit that, even though entropy is a description of physical systems, as time extends past that point, things get very cooky!!!!

EDIT: Because experience is cumulative, people like Hitler, if he never felt bad about his actions, may not get what he has coming to him. If things don't cross your mind, you have never experienced them.

Apparently, according to Garrett Lisi's E8 interpretation of the standard model, there are 248 dimensions, each represented by a type of quark, lepton or boson at one of the vertices.

I just wrote in another thread, that the best bet is to abandon ideologies as the restraints that define them, bind them to failure.

If any have you read orwells 1984 (hella depressing book) they talk about the mind over matter theory and I love that theory I like to believe reality is shaped by our minds and everything in the universe is created by our thoughts and we may be able to alter this universe by believing whatever we want to alter is reality takes a lot of practice though xD


Active Member
Ok suppose there is a GOD and he or she created us in his/her own image what do you look like when you pass on to these different worlds, the same or do you take another form and if you do what will you look like ?
I'm not a believer in God but I like to think that since energy cannot be created or destroyed that my energy will live on eternally in some shape or form or a higher state of consciousness blah blah

Man o' the green

Active Member
Reality exists only inside a conscious mind as a representation of the universe.
Reality is the universe aware of itself.
The universe is persistent and singular. It is dynamic in space space and time.
God is the laws of the universe and is static.


Well-Known Member
Reality exists only inside a conscious mind as a representation of the universe.
Reality is the universe aware of itself.
The universe is persistent and singular. It is dynamic in space space and time.
God is the laws of the universe and is static.
very nicely put.


Active Member
Ok suppose there is a GOD and he or she created us in his/her own image what do you look like when you pass on to these different worlds, the same or do you take another form and if you do what will you look like ?
I'm not a believer in God but I like to think that since energy cannot be created or destroyed that my energy will live on eternally in some shape or form or a higher state of consciousness blah blah
Yo, the holy script from Genesis 1-26
says, "Let us make man in our image under our likeness"


New Member
BTW, I'm going to a planet where I'll be the only male amongst a bevy of beauties, With an 18" whang and the stamina of a horse. One where a man does no work, but has riches beyond belief. I'll have 72 race cars and a 120 mile custom race track. It will rain every day for one hour, and the planet will be lush with all sorts of beautiful vegitation, all edible, with no meat needed, no killing of animals for food. I'll have a 500 inch TV screen with every channel known to the universe, with no commercials. I'll allow other males to visit and challenge me on the race track, but not mate with my beauties. Maybe as a prize, I'd allow a little hanky panky, if for no other reason, to let my beauties see they already have the best there is. I'll sleep on satin sheets on a gigantic bed, able to accomodate me and a few of my beauties, (All of which will be at least 11s on a scale of 10) I'll have other demands, but for now, let us just see who agrees with me on this form of heaven.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
ive had similair thoughts and i like your theory i come up with quite a few myself, i dont bother telling people because everyone i know is narrow minded as fuck and thats why im starting to enjoy this site so much because im finding more and more people who think outside the brainwashed box, people are brang up to believe they need to work 9-5 and own a house and thats "making something of your life" i think its bullshit and i hate this planet as depressing as it sounds, all we need is water and food everyday and then the rest is up to us

basically im sick of the way this world works i wish there could be a 100% change