The Union Documentary: My gift to RUI


Well-Known Member
I'll be honest. I don't even know how to take you. My instincts tell me you are not exactly an advocate for "the evil MJ."
Your qoute here---Why should you go to jail for a crime someone else...noticed?
You didn't answer. My point in asking was obvious. There is NO crime being committed. Evidently, you disagree...which leads me to my next question. Why are you even reading from this site?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I'll be honest. I don't even know how to take you. My instincts tell me you are not exactly an advocate for "the evil MJ."
Your qoute here---Why should you go to jail for a crime someone else...noticed?
You didn't answer. My point in asking was obvious. There is NO crime being committed. Evidently, you disagree...which leads me to my next question. Why are you even reading from this site?


Well-Known Member
I'll be honest. I don't even know how to take you. My instincts tell me you are not exactly an advocate for "the evil MJ."
Your qoute here---Why should you go to jail for a crime someone else...noticed?
You didn't answer. My point in asking was obvious. There is NO crime being committed. Evidently, you disagree...which leads me to my next question. Why are you even reading from this site?
never take Son of Man seriously lol... ull learn :-o


Well-Known Member
His sig? I guess I don't follow that lingo...but LOL @ calling me a moron. I am a very intelligent person---oh, and I am not a "he."
Really simply put, son's posts suggest him to be against the use of marijuana. I notice many with posts that "everything they post or write is all fictional and from the internet." That's fine. I get that. However, I am openly an advocate for the legalization of its use--period, point blank. No need to mince words from my end.
Now "son"....unless you are going to to hook me up with a fat doob of VERY kind bud, I'd suggest you bite me. :-)


Well-Known Member
His sig? I guess I don't follow that lingo...but LOL @ calling me a moron. I am a very intelligent person---oh, and I am not a "he."
Really simply put, son's posts suggest him to be against the use of marijuana. I notice many with posts that "everything they post or write is all fictional and from the internet." That's fine. I get that. However, I am openly an advocate for the legalization of its use--period, point blank. No need to mince words from my end.
Now "son"....unless you are going to to hook me up with a fat doob of VERY kind bud, I'd suggest you bite me. :-)
sig = signature... it goes under every post you make. see mine? it says "my pres is black! thats my sig...

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
definition of crime: an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.

Think about it.

Keep thinking about it.

Got it?

I give up :)


Well-Known Member
definition of crime: an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.

Think about it.

Keep thinking about it.

Got it?

I give up :)

"offensive" to who? who gets to define offensive?

i'm going along with your reasoning. elaborating on your statement, if you will. i am not arguing with you, but agreeing. :bigjoint:

get it?


Well-Known Member
And I "see" a beautiful field of PURE JOY. I "notice" crime being committed there.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I didn't know you were the sole member of the legislative branch and the head of the executive branch all rolled up into one happy day old burrito :)


Well-Known Member
Precisely, you know little...if anything at all. Now go sit on the crapper and ponder upon that "notion"---oops, fact.


Well-Known Member
A belated thanks for enlightening me as to what "sig" means. I actually thought of that, but didn't recognize it by its definition on this forum...again, thanks.
My "sig" for the day: For those who proclaim to be the "son of man"......better yet, Jesus Christ---know there is a Higher authority in this life who will PROPERLY assess and judge in a righteous manner. Mere man alone is in no way entitled to take on this task. For when they impose their self-righteous "authorities" while ignoring conveniently their own discrepancies or more importantly-- their fallacies, they embark upon the realization that there is something even greater than what they imagined themselves to possibly be. "Peace"