The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

Lets be right on this odour control thing... if its illegal to grow in your country/city/area then its a fucking serious issue! If not then is it still an issue? As in do licences say 'grow but do not create excessive smells' an stuff?
Well depends on how the room is sealed or vented.

You don't want it around living things you want to save

At high concentrations it is supposed to kill mold and mildew growing in the area. It doesn't stop new spores from coming in, and if you don't fix the humidity / moisture problem it will set in again.
the set-up is two tiny hotel rooms, only fit one queen size bed - bathroom is toilet, tiny sink, tiny shower.

He ran the thing in a regular room (during normal hours when i know there was a couple in the room next door to the one he was trying to fix the mold problem in), just sitting in the middle of the room.

Was this safe?

I could smell the ozone from the hallway.
Probably not safe if you can smell it strong, for people that is. Although you figure out you have way too much when your lungs get irritated, though a smoker may not notice.

I'm not sure how the air ducts are connected, may be worse in the next room.

There's only two hotel rooms or just the only two that were affected?
Shouldn't do any long term damage to the people though as long as they don't have asthma or such that it could trigger
Probably not safe if you can smell it strong, for people that is. Although you figure out you have way too much when your lungs get irritated, though a smoker may not notice.

I'm not sure how the air ducts are connected, may be worse in the next room.

There's only two hotel rooms or just the only two that were affected?
I thought the idea was stupid, and i'm not sure but it sure smelled like formaldehyde while it was running to me. He said, "Oh no, don't worry. I know what I'm doing." The two hotel rooms share a bathroom vent, heating/cooling of room is done by ptac.

I just thought it was stupid and that this guy had no idea what he was doing with what he was using.
Is it new carpet?
Ozone should smell like a lightning storm but much stronger

If sufficient ozone is used it can take many days to clear out enough if you don't have good ventilation.

I'd hate to vent after testing for mold as I'd be bringing the mold spores right back in.
New baseboard (vinyl with glue), same flooring.

I thought the whole situation was fucked up. People weren't trained to properly handle mold, and the team that was a mold company that came in were just doing air tests. I was the only one that cut open the wall, but was told not to cut open more than a 1 foot x 1 foot hole. The mold company sprayed something over the whole room and came back a day or two later and did another air test. I don't know man, I'm just very disappointed in the company I work for and how little they seem to care about their customers and employees.
If they hired a mold company to do it and the mold company didn't take care of it, I think I'd blame the mold removal company.

I can't imagine anything sprayed on the walls would kill mold within the walls
Here's something interesting I found while looking through some air filters. As I found when researching how to removes terpenes from air, aside from carbon the only way is oxidation. Sadly, that usually involves considerable heat, which we already have too much of. But I just found this filter which supposedly oxidizes VOCs. I don't know anything about it yet but it may have potential, at least for small cab grows.

You could exhaust into the room and put one of these filters somewhere in the room. To get it right as it comes out of the cab you'd probably need a lot of layers of them. I would put a couple layers of flat carbon filter pad on the cab outlet and hopefully oxidize the rest that makes it out.

When I viewed the unit that it's supposed to go into, it was a UV germ killing one. So probably the filter uses the UV light to photo-oxidize it. It's a little high priced but nothing too serious, if it works.
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I got one of those Bionaire photocatalytic air purifiers yesterday. Works quite well. All I need to use on my 1.5'x3' cabs is a 120 mm PC fan on top with two layers of flat carbon filter pad clipped over them and this air purifier in the room. Couldn't smell a thing when I went in, after removing all my deodorizers and having this running all night on low, which is very quiet though high speed is rather loud. It also clears out dope smoke in about 15 minutes. Cost me $200 but I consider it money well spent. You only have to buy it once, filters are reusable after cleaning. The UV bulbs do need replacing once a year. That's the only glitch.

Since it puts out negative ions I hung up a small sheet of mylar and clipped a wire to it and stuck the other end in a ground plug of an outlet. This mylar sheet does conduct electricity. Otherwise I would have particles sticking to walls and stuff.

It feels very nice in the purified and ionized room when you're in there. Negative ions make you feel good you know. It can counteract the short day depression that people get in winter from lack of sunlight. Grow lights are actually good for that too. You get some bright light on your face every day.
Hey I had a grow befre but it was in a garden shed in the middle of no where.

These days I live in the city, and I live next door to a shop pub chemist there's lots of hussel and bussel which is a concern for me when it comes to Odour.

And I'd rather go slightly overkill with odour control then underestimate it and get caught with my pants down.

So I was wondering if it's a jardain orca with the dementios of120cm x 240cm x 200cm could I have a carbon filter on the intake and the exhaust, then in the room have a jar of on a odour control in the grow room its self and one in the hallway, would that be enough to help the smell? Sorry I'm just really concerned of odour control.

Also what size carbon filters should I get hoping to get critical mas cbd as my plant of choice. If that helps
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Hey I had a grow befre but it was in a garden shed in the middle of no where.

These days I live in the city, and I live next door to a shop pub chemist there's lots of hussel and bussel which is a concern for me when it comes to Odour.

And I'd rather go slightly overkill with odour control then underestimate it and get caught with my pants down.

So I was wondering if it's a jardain orca with the dementios of120cm x 240cm x 200cm could I have a carbon filter on the intake and the exhaust, then in the room have a jar of on a odour control in the grow room its self and one in the hallway, would that be enough to help the smell? Sorry I'm just really concerned of odour control.

Also what size carbon filters should I get hoping to get critical mas cbd as my plant of choice. If that helps

You don't need a carbon filter on the intake (though filtering intake air helps get you clear air in your garden = less debris on plants, less stuff on your exhaust filter).

The exhaust filter size depends on the size of your exhaust vent.
Which in turn is dependant on the air volume in your tent - that volume needs to get exchanged a few times an hour (every 5 mins keeps getting mentioned). You need to add a bit of power to account for the reduction in airflow caused by it having to get pulled through the carbon filter.
Please do the math yourself, I'm on my 1st cup of coffee :mrgreen:
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You don't need a carbon filter on the intake (though filtering intake air helps get you clear air in your garden = less debris on plants, less stuff on your exhaust filter).

The exhaust filter size depends on the size of your exhaust vent.
Which in turn is dependant on the air volume in your tent - that volume needs to get exchanged a few times an hour (every 5 mins keeps getting mentioned). You need to add a bit of power to account for the reduction in airflow caused by it having to get pulled through the carbon filter.
Please do the math yourself, I'm on my 1st cup of coffee :mrgreen:

Its just where I live is watched bye the cops a lot as its kinda rough, and i just want to make sure I limit any chance of smell coming from my house.
IMG_20160219_013521717.jpg IMG_20160219_013541370.jpg IMG_20160219_013957019.jpg IMG_20160219_013617271.jpg IMG_20160219_015526998.jpg Whats up RIU. I am usually a lurker, but I have been at this for awhile. Sometimes I cant sleep and tonight I decided why not try and make a contribution. If this is in the wrong spot, please mods feel free to move it.
So I know o3 does not get a lot of love around here. Largely, for good reason. Most people dont know how to safely use it or set it up. Furthermore, there are concerns about losing the smell of the plants etc. I recently had some stuff growing thay as loud as fuck. My carbon scrubbers handled it pretty well, but every once and awhile I could stand at the exhaust, and catch a little whiff. That does not work for me. Rather than undo al my ventilation mid grow, I elected to treat my exhaust with o3. I did so in a manner that would allow the ozone to run 24/7 without risk of hurting or taking the smell from the ladies or hurting me. I did so for less than $70.
For this adventure, I used a Cap OZN-1 generator which I recently found brand new on Amazon for $60. I have owned several of these in the past, and they are not bad. They last a long while, are easily serviced, bulb easily replaced, and the design makes them PERFECT for this applocation.

Using a piece of long hose like we made beer bongs with back in the day I pumped ozone into the back end of my cabinets exhaust. This allows the o3 time to work before reaching the exhaust to the outside. To connect the hose to the generator, I used a 3/4" male pex fitting, a nut off of an electrical panel takeoff and a hose clamp. Start to finish, this took 10 min, and works like a dream. It would have taken me hours to reload or replace my carbon scrubbers, and even then, I think they still would have needed some assistance.
So, here we have it, no smell at the exhaust with the absolute funkiest funk without risk to me or my plants, for $70 and in less than 10 min. Works for me. Feel free to ask questions if you have them.
is it possible to vent into my living space and others sharing the house not know im growing?
I just plan on growing 1 auto at a time- stealth means pc fans only-thinking to have 2 diy pc fan carbon scrubbers out of 1sq ft of garden

is it possible to vent into my living space and others sharing the house not know im growing?
I just plan on growing 1 auto at a time- stealth means pc fans only-thinking to have 2 diy pc fan carbon scrubbers out of 1sq ft of garden

depending on the size and stank of the plant, it is possible. I couldn't get a pc fan carbon scrubber to work up to my standards because they are just too weak.

How are you going to keep them away from your garden? How much of a problem would it be if they found out? Are you willing to go with any other strain than the one you have in mind?

If you can keep them out of the view of the garden for sure, would you be willing to fork out the extra $$$ for a fan/filter/speed controller combo? They have a few under $150 that would work extremely well with that space and be quite quiet with the speed controller turning the fan way down.

Also, there's one photo i know that even if someone would smell it, it wouldn't make them think of pot at all. More of a tropical smell.
is it possible to vent into my living space and others sharing the house not know im growing?
I just plan on growing 1 auto at a time- stealth means pc fans only-thinking to have 2 diy pc fan carbon scrubbers out of 1sq ft of garden

If they never are in the same room, maybe. I just don't think it's a good idea though. I mean how much could you get from such a small setup? Is it really worth the risk and aggravation to save the price of an oz of weed or whatever? That said, all I have for exhaust on small 1/2 sq meter tents are single 4" pc fans with single layers of carbon air filter pad clothespinned over them. I tried double layers but it reduced air flow too much. So when it comes out of those it still has a slight smell but then I have a Bionaire photocatalytic air purifier which seems to take care of the rest. I did zip tie two of their "total air" filter replacements onto the back of the unit for double filtration and odor removal. Two of those cover the back perfectly. I also put tape over the small vents inside the machine at the top and bottom of the catalytic element. I guess they wanted some air to bypass the element for better air flow but I want it all to go through that oxidation element. Anyway, with that setup I can't smell anything noticeable really.