"the ultimate " my first grow

Thanks, I harvested that thunder bloody Mary automatic about a week ago its nice and dry now just over 8g's in 52the days , it never got over 7" tall, its smokes smooth and has a strong buzz a lil sleepy but hopefully she'll only get better once she's cured:) just a lil dissapointing on the weight, but I guess what can you expect from a freebie and it being an auto
I watered/feed my plants Sunday when the lights came on, came home today a few leaves in sporadic spots on a few of my plants have like warpedish leaves the tips of most of my leaves are normal not really sure what t2012-01-11_20-23-51_663.jpgo do , I did see a mouse in my kitchen but it2012-01-11_20-24-02_372.jpg 2012-01-11_20-25-29_807.jpg, not sure if it could be a bug or if I burnt them a lil


2012-01-23_06-06-17_736.jpg2012-01-23_06-06-00_867.jpg2012-01-23_06-04-40_518.jpg2012-01-23_06-04-34_8.jpg2012-01-23_06-04-22_875.jpg2012-01-23_06-04-16_165.jpg These 6 pictures are of "the Ultimate":leaf: they seems to be doing well, maybe just a little more (k) the tips are going yellow on a few of them and slowly starting to go brown and its only on the top growth. Other than that they seem to be progressing nicely.

These 3 pictures are of the Apollo 13:leaf: clone, very resinous already and she seems to be down for whatever.

??? Im just wondering about a thing or two, after I watered, a few of the plants leaves around the flower buds went straight vertical, now I didnt use the calmag this water because I was afraid the tip damage on "the Ultimate" could of possibly been from the extra nitrogen in the calmag. The 3 previous waters I used the calmag(only the 3 previous)but after not using it on the last water and this being the 1st time In a flower feeding I havent used the calmag im wondering maybe if its "praying for magnesium" im using tap water that is 280ppm and a p.h. of 8.1, I havent needed to adjust the p.h. yet in flower because the nutes puts it right at 6.3, and since ive been running with 6.3 the whole time Ive just been staying leaving it, I also use liquid karma with every feed 11ml/4L, and after I mix the nutes im right around 1410-1450ppm ,ANY HELP or advice would be appreciated
Hey sorry I haven't updated sooner and that these ppl pics are with the hps on haven't had a chance to take a few pics with the lights off, well they seem to be doing ok now, I tried tapering down on the nutes slowly at week 5, Botanicare recommend. That you completely cut off @5week, but with them being so needy I just went down 5mla and they hated that idea showed some major deficiencys pretty quick so iam back at using above strength and it's seems to have stopped any progression that occurred 2012-02-09_21-59-34_722.jpg2012-02-09_21-57-26_38.jpg2012-02-09_21-57-56_241.jpg these are all "the ultimate "do, this last pic is of apollo 13 which is starting to showa small trichome. % change and should be ready very soon hopefully this week2012-02-03_18-41-51_925.jpg2012-02-08_21-48-25_880.jpg

white widow rules

Active Member
Yea!!!! Looking nice gooseman gonna have some phat colas from those girls! Let them go all the way though. I was nearly an eager beaver but managed to calm myself down!
A lil update, sorry not pics, harvested and dried all my girls looking like 25-27 zips, the plant is definitely not very stable a lot if different looking buds but I did find a good mother plant in the 0 seeds I sprouted. She yieldee just over 4 will post some pics and a smoke report asap