"THE ULTIMATE" Grow, ChroniCDooM Style!


Active Member
Check out the scarecrow in my bro's outdoor garden. Santa's HigH as fuck. Lmao! What up RIU I finally made I to Cali. Got a ticket from the CHP. FIRST speeding ticket ever. Luckily she didn't see the seedlings in the back seat. Whew. Lol. Hot as fuck here. Later.



Well-Known Member
What up chronics hows it goin bro!!.............glad to see all is goin well, have a great trip bro!

take it easy! :)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
LMFAO chronic!!!!!!!! that santa is hyserical!! oh my god.. the first picture i saw with the beer and hes bending over ..it looks like a stream of piss but its the weeds in just the right place!!! thanks for the good laugh.. man, you must have been sweatin bullent with chips on your ass like that.. im going to listen to that now.. Megadeth sweeting bullets. hahahahahahahahahahaa, take it easy Amber


Active Member
Hey what up RIU? Thanks amber and pukka and dhaze for wishing me a safe trip. I love roadtripping but it sure feels great when you finally get home. Had a great time in Cali. Even with a speeding ticket. Lol. Yeah what a time for me to be speeding. When I'm transporting six seedlings. Yeah that was real smart! Luckily they were covered in a box. Things coulda been a lot worse! Good news is they all survived and were transplanted to my bros outdoor garden. Out of the six only two were feminized. That was the LSD. The other four are Super Lemon Haze(thanks doc) and Matanuska Thunder Fuck. Those four we will have to wait to find out the sex. They may not get as big as the other trees lol in his garden but they should grow and produce. I'm hoping to head back to Cali in October to help with the harvest.
While I was there my bro(not actually but might as well be since we've known each other our whole lives and our parents grew up together) gave me a 1000 watt remote ballast and a hood. Hells yeah! Now I'm ready for next year when I can move from the cabinet in to a bigger space. I'll use the cabinet and LED for veg and I got a nice space I can hang the 1000W light for my flowering space. Hells Yeah I can't wait! Any suggestions on the bulb I should buy? Much appreciated. It will be my first non LED experience. Lol. Gotta go for now. My two girls are looking and smelling really nice! Trimmed em up a little and also the freak has gotten taller. Must be from the stretch phase since light switch. I'll post some pics later tonight. Take care happy growing and thanks for stopping by!


Active Member
LMFAO chronic!!!!!!!! that santa is hyserical!! oh my god.. the first picture i saw with the beer and hes bending over ..it looks like a stream of piss but its the weeds in just the right place!!! thanks for the good laugh.. man, you must have been sweatin bullent with chips on your ass like that.. im going to listen to that now.. Megadeth sweeting bullets. hahahahahahahahahahaa, take it easy Amber
Lol glad I gave ya a good laugh there DAT! Yeah as soon as I got to my friends house and seen the garden I told him that Santa needs a Doobie. I decided to add the corona. Yeah we all got a kick out of that. At one point the Joint was smoking. It's actually a paper towel with dried male leaves inside for the cannabis. Pretty cool scarecrow. Lol.
As for the sweating bullets with the CHP on my ass? Yeah just a little. Lol mad scramble to cover the little girls and put my tool and medicine.
Away. Luckily I hadn't smoked in awhile so no Cheech and Chong effect when I rolled my window down. Lmao. I didn't say shit about my speed just wanted her to give the ticket and let us go. She was cool not powertrippin like some coppers. Anyway you'll be glad to hear all my seedlings are in mother earth now and hopefully at least 2 of the four non feminized will turn out to be female. How's your 12/12 grow going I'll have to stop by later to check out your thread. Later have a kill day!


Active Member
What up RIU, how's it growin? Day 19 of flower for my two girls. Both are doing fine looking really healthy. I gotta say that as per the strain review this is a heavy feeding strain. I have been feeding them Bloombastic with every feeding and they are showing no signs at all of nute burn at all! The tall girl is about 2' and she is one of the healthiest if not the healthiest looking plant I have grown in my 1 year and on my fourth grow. Nice and green with healthy leaves and nice pistils. The freak is doing alright. She is about 1' tall. She is healthy and green showing no nute burn at all. Her leaves are still freaky looking and that knot at the surface of the coco has grown. Pretty sure that is the reason for her freakish looks. I have been pruning both ladies and am glad I have. Probably got rid of the bottom third on both and have been removing leaves to allow light penetration. For my first time pruning I think they look good! No signs of shock or slow growth at all! I'm really loving how this strain looks. One weird thing about the freak is that she has just started showing signs of sex over the last week or so. The tall girl has nice long pistils while the freak has little tiny pistils barely showing. I've been feeding both of them the same thing only thing different is the tall girl is feeding every day while I've been feeding the freak every other day. She's bout to start every day also. I also have the co2 going. Other than that just been dreaming of when I can put that 1000W remote ballast and hood that my bro in Cali gave me to good use. Cool thing is the new HighTimes came in the mail and has a great article on getting a perpetual garden going that I'll probably model mine after. As far as the growing schedule anyway. I will use my cabinet I have now and my LED for the veg chamber and I have a nice space in mind for my 1000W light to go. Gonna be fucking badd azzz getting to that stage. I guess I'm in the planning and research stage. Got about a year to go for that. Gonna do at least 4 maybe 5 plants to start then another 4-5 and so on. May start a little research on hydro setups. Anyone have any advice on the easiest hydro setup to start with? Any advice on a good bulb for the 1000W light system I got? Thanks for stopping by and here are pics of the ladies with the tall girl first.

Here's the freak

Under the LED


Active Member
looks great bro...Ur gonna switch to HPS now??
Well since I got a 1000W system now I plan to use both my lights. Since I'll be using the cabinet I have now I can't fit that light in there so I'll continue to use the LED for veg in the cabinet and use 1000W HPS for the flowering. So yeah I guess I am gonna switch partly. Lol. Looking forward to using both types of lights. I can't wait to see what a 1000W HPS will do. I'm sure it's gonna be outstanding! Like I said before I can't wait to get a perpetual garden going. Talk about self sustaining and never buying medicine again. That's what it's all about! I just have a little more time to wait out before I can get it all setup. Basically waiting on the space in my place. Circumstances prevent me from doing anything like I want till probably next summer. It's all good though cause I need time to research and plan. Gonna take some careful planning to make everything right.

Flip The Script

Active Member
whats up bro the girls are looking wonderful glad to see you stick with the twisted one that shit got BULKY! i had a similar problem in my last grow. They stretched like a muggg so your going to put them under the screens soon yeah?


Active Member
yeah i think the mix is the best way to go...Thats what i wanna do..
Go for it bro! Yeah I can't wait till I can start growing more at a time. I pretty much have all I need. Probably need another fan and filter though.

whats up bro the girls are looking wonderful glad to see you stick with the twisted one that shit got BULKY! i had a similar problem in my last grow. They stretched like a muggg so your going to put them under the screens soon yeah?
Thanks for stopping by. Yeah I'm glad I stuck with the freak also. Good to see how she'll turn out. Gain a little knowledge on what happens. So you've grown the ultimate also? It's my first go at this strain. Dam they have a strain smell to em. I like it. So yours stretched a lot huh? I'm hoping the topping that I did will keep em within my height limits. The tall girl is at 25". I kept the co2 off till about the second week of flower. Dam I'm hoping they don't stretch too much. I thought the stretch phase was about the first two weeks of the switch to 12/12. Am I wrong on this? Anyway they are doing fine and I'll continue to monitor height everyday. But I'm thinking I'm not gonna have the same prob as last grow where the Blue Mystic Stretched big time! Last time I started co2 right at light switch and I'm assuming that played a big role in that stretch phase.

Stark Raving

Active Member
Hey, just stumbled across this thread. Not sure how I never noticed it before since I was looking for someone else growing Ultimates! My Ultimates are doing nicely as well, and you are right about them being heavy feeders!
Would you mind me posting a pic of them (day 21 of flowering) so we can compare some results? (Don't wanna put up pics on your thread without permission)


Active Member
Hey, just stumbled across this thread. Not sure how I never noticed it before since I was looking for someone else growing Ultimates! My Ultimates are doing nicely as well, and you are right about them being heavy feeders!
Would you mind me posting a pic of them (day 21 of flowering) so we can compare some results? (Don't wanna put up pics on your thread without permission)
Hey what up Stark? Thanks for stopping by! No prob I'll take pics tomorrow which will be day 21 of flower. Feel free to post your pics on here. Would love to see how yours are doing. I'll check out your thread. So far this strain has been easy to take care of. Like I posted before I'm using Bloombastic with every feed. On my last grow I only used it every other feed. These plants are taking and liking all I've given them. That Bloombastic is some hot stuff and will burn your plants quick. Not the Ultimate! No signs of over fertilization that I can see anywhere.

Stark Raving

Active Member
Here's my girls, day 21 of flowering.


Since it's my first grow with this strain, I decided to let them grow as they like instead of topping them, just to give me a good idea of what they would do on their own.


Active Member
Looks great! I can tell ya already that yours looks alot further along at three weeks than mine. Dam that main cola has filled in nicely for three weeks. What type of setup you running. I'm using LED with canna coco and nutes with atami bloombastic during flower. Also I'm in a cabinet that measures 5'Hx3'Wx2'D. Got my light at it's height limit and have about 2 feet of space between the light and the top of the plants.