The UK Growers Thread!

u seen the new sr 2.0 m8? and i heard from a few reputable sources and other thread users that they are having good success with BMR just now, always worth a try :)

theres loads mate, if im honest i aint heard bout the sr 2.0 bmr n sheep are the biggest out there at the mo, most the sr vendors went to them sites but just a lil dubious at the moment considering the history lolol

i was just messing bout the oxy's fuck yeah they are the best painkillers in the world but cost 25-30quid per single 40mg tablet, 40-55 for a 80mg lil out of my price range at the minit lolol lovely buzz tho i might add....
im not too bad geezer, shit happens im over it well over it, just need to stay off the drinking n drugging lol and spending half me life in this thread dont help lol

but deffo, ill be getting a new num soon just aint been arsed with it tbh but will be in touch, and aint fuck all to put away bizz i said anything i said in a public forum mate, hows you doing anyway?

i got the worst toothache of me fucking llife, mannnn i miss the road could do with some oxy's lolol

Aye that's good to hear mate as soon as u sorted I'll give my number.we'll have a catch up mate I miss your crazy convos man! Oh and I'm back in touch withy blue man alls looking up :) but it is good to hear from u man you'll be fine fam a lam if not aye weight meet each other inside lmao
Yeh I had to get a cage Cuz of 1 dig pissin and chewing shit got a cage put the culprit in at night and when we go out no more piss n shit and chewed cables ahhhh bliss best 30 butty ever spent I tell ya
he's only a 7 month old pup mate he gets extreme seperation anxiety lol always glued to my side even when im sittin down at home he sitting beside me with his head on my lap, just cant be doing with the destruction in the house when he's in on his own, gonna buy a dog cage for when im out i think

my fellas 10 months n the breeds known for the same qualities that you speak, he sits on the mat outside the shower then I wash my lush locks. You got to try n stop that lol I know its hard cuz U form the bond just as bad but I don't use a cage I got like a kids play pen thing n undid one side n attacteh the 2 ends to either side on a long radiator so when im at work he has space n his toys cuz they need to know where is' theres' n that's the pen for him, if someone comes I say go to bed n that's where he goes and associates with safety n that helps with the separation.
had toothache bad the once..just had a gold filling they must of fuked it up was in so much pain had to go emergency docs he jabbed me with morphine in leg...and fuk me I was away with the fairys dribbling and everything lol
Good idea paddy that is if I had the room is like to something the same but my little fuckers would just hop over and stare me in the eyes as they do it
had toothache bad the once..just had a gold filling they must of fuked it up was in so much pain had to go emergency docs he jabbed me with morphine in leg...and fuk me I was away with the fairys dribbling and everything lol

you lucky bastard lol i been told i gotta have this tooth taken out at hosp but the app isnt till near 3wks away, im a fanny lol serious i dont think i can handle the pain that long im going to the dental a n e on monday and hoping they will do it fucking soon than later....

laterz people, ponced a load of exo of a mate who owes me and necked double dosage off these poxy strongest over the counter shit..... fuck id even take a subbie right now for the pain and i threw over a hundred of them away 6+month ago, had oralmorph not 2 month ago not too mention all the benzos to sleep lol now reduced to over the counter shite..... nooooooooooooooooo lol
I thought he was a runt (no offense that's pretty big for a lab mix...he mush have alot of energy lol

he's fucking huge for his age m8 even for a full rotty the pic dont do justice, he's just slimmer and has a narrower face than the rottweiler. but ur right he has a shit load of energy, its hard to keep up with it at times, i got 3 cats and the dog and 3 kids so its like a bloody zoo in my house lol.
well the wife has fell asleep waiting for me to finish my beers and smoke, gonna need to go wake her u with a surprise hard dick in the mouth,,, wish me luck that she dont bite it off lol
My dog fits like that sometimes haha. Yeah, that's the lab in him rotties are chilled lol my guys asleep at my side. I've 2 cats n their fancy ones ( girlfriend) but hey cheaper than children although saying that the insurance n food isn't cheap n toys? HAHA only thing that lasts any bit is Kong most durable toy brand.