The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Watching an interesting feature on a program atm, all about a bloke called Prof john allen of St andrews university who is researching into LED lights in an agricultural setting, apparently he practically invented LED grow lights lol, science behind it is above my level but maybe yorkie n indi might enjoy looking into it if they can stop their lovers quarrels lol


Well-Known Member
thats fucked they deliver whores too. LOL

Right, I suppose I better look at getting a shopping list together for growing my tomatoes!!! Any suggestions on a good place to get seeds, I have looked and there are so many places...user experience and recommendations go a lot further in my mind.

I am now gonna try a Hungry Joes Triple Cheese and Peperoni Lasgne...If I am not back in 20 minutes its because I am prolapsing my ass through my throat


Well-Known Member
Watching an interesting feature on a program atm, all about a bloke called Prof john allen who is researching into LED lights in an agricultural setting, apparently he practically invented LED grow lights lol, science behind it is above my level but maybe yorkie n indi might enjoy looking into it if they can stop their lovers quarrels lol
the science of LEDs is this...semiconductor with electron flow in one direction, when electrons fall into electron holes created by impurities in the semiconductor they give out photons dif wavelengths for dif gallium nitride will give out blue light


Well-Known Member
the science of LEDs is this...semiconductor with electron flow in one direction, when electrons fall into electron holes created by impurities in the semiconductor they give out photons dif wavelengths for dif gallium nitride will give out blue light
yup completely over my head lol, electronics have never been a strong point for me lol

I mainly put it up as a few ppl in here have been eyeing up LED grow lights an it seems this bloke invented LED's so his research may point someone in the right direction when deciding what light to buy etc

The Groke

Evening all!

I hope you're all doing well?

I have a querie with regards to Nutrients, I'm currenty using Formulex Nutrient Solution, here's the link...

I didn't get it from there but it's the same shiz.

My question would be, I'm on day 10, got 3 seedlings going strong and I've used this twice so far in the ten days, should I be using it less or more than this?

As always your comments are appreciated.

Peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
plants coming on nice ice man....................:bigjoint:
yeh man starting to catch up,,gunna use the new reflector in the main op i think then next week buy a refelector for my op here for the 2 livers and 1 bbc so should do nicely under 650 like.

not 3 bad m8 :weed:


Well-Known Member
U lot are google lool. Yeah think week 5 on Friday. Giving mine there last feed of pk on fri, then jus A+B till week 6/7 and finally 2 weeks of jus ripen. U using bud candy all the way thru ice?


Well-Known Member
U lot are google lool. Yeah think week 5 on Friday. Giving mine there last feed of pk on fri, then jus A+B till week 6/7 and finally 2 weeks of jus ripen. U using bud candy all the way thru ice?
na fucked it of a week bak, onbig bud now, bud candy only menna be from 1-3 then big bud 3-5, ect ect ect,, il run out of big bud on week 5 then its pk for 3 weeks then base for a week and water for 3 days ish

we week 5 on firday eally? fuk i thought im week 4 froday?