The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Here'ya Rimmer.

So I'm flicking through this copy of Hydromag from the grow shop.....


.......and they're doing a piece on Mega Growrooms, set up by shops.

This firm here have included one of those Harmonic Wave Generators we were talking about the other day.....


This is what the piece says......


I'll see if I can find a price for one to see if guaranteed 12%+ is viable for the outlay.



Well-Known Member
do you love/hate me that much ice that every second post you have to mention my name??? you no why i get the most samples etc cause i send out the most, so dont give me the dont part with nothing shit, oh and and havent in the last few wks sent you a couple of freebies either have i???

but you just keep on and on when i really carnt be arsed, arguing with you is so old and boring.


Well-Known Member
yeh just look on ebay under china! haha

i wanna know if they got his plasma lighting thing down yet???

adding 5th 600 to main oip,, nrly at week 3 or 4 depending on how i wanna work it out, thinking of taking a week off due to the heat? dunno,

anyways 5th 600 be vert soon as i get the wire, need a kettle femeale lead, u know the type wat plus into the ballast.

sambo wtf are you talking about,m we was talking about chedz weed and how it was shit,,, and what a feww fucking tablets? really? thats fukall,, how about u forward that "shit" camera like ur menna, if not send it bak,, we can all be cunts yano.

u pissed of or sum shit? look i dont give a fuk,,, do/say what u want. dont act the big i am,, coz we both know dfiffrent, ok,, and by that im not syaing i am coz we all now im a nice guy, not a selfish diresepctful arrogent, unapreciative prik,

ther ya go,, have a nice fucking night

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
lol yeh ther cush innit..

so why would u need waves sound thing?

mate,mate? does this signify a truce?
The machine sort of vibrates the plant and makes the stomata open wider giving yield improvement.

I've told you I don't hold grudges, I say mate because it helps me not come across as condescending when talking technical.
It helps you not call me a know-it-all cunt, it's a psychology thing that saves me grief.


Well-Known Member
wednesbury not far from me lol...
so he says..............................

tablets mate pestering me for em so i sent en sent,, even rote nrly 200 off coz i lost count,, harvest came in and wham, gone, then he popped up again afetr 8 weeks told me to ring him, i did and wham! again,, think he owes pukka too

dont keep addys don,, best i can remebr was wednesbury


Well-Known Member
the price for the biowave is way ott for the components used, crazy American pricing due to the USA manufacture, I think ill add a touch more light to increase yields until the chinks make it for pence


Well-Known Member
naaaaaa get some subs and amps in there wak the fukers up soon be enuff vibro to make them stomatas open......or get loads of rampant rabbits set to vibro seems to work with wimmin they open there pissflaps for the


Well-Known Member
do you not think chedz is just another username or at least has come back a few times, he loved the thread was always posting, did suprise me tho him doing the rip yeah he was a twat but i didnt fink he would do that.


Well-Known Member
Here'ya Rimmer.

So I'm flicking through this copy of Hydromag from the grow shop.....

View attachment 2810891

.......and they're doing a piece on Mega Growrooms, set up by shops.

This firm here have included one of those Harmonic Wave Generators we were talking about the other day.....

View attachment 2810902
View attachment 2810898

This is what the piece says......

View attachment 2810899

I'll see if I can find a price for one to see if guaranteed 12%+ is viable for the outlay.
lol talk about coincidence, you thinking of getting one then?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
lol talk about coincidence, you thinking of getting one then?
As soon as I've got enough space with enough turnover to justify shelling out £1000 then yeah I'll give it a bash, it seems less hassle and more reliable than CO2 and you don't need a sealed room to use it.

A 10% yield increase on a 100oz grow and the machine has paid for its self.

It seems a no brainer if you're pushing weight.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
A little research into the papers that they've got the info in the magazine from is in order though, I want to know what crops they've used it on.


Well-Known Member
quiert in ere 2nite...........
yeah it is mate hay, ive only just sat down been cloning and striping the bottoms of me plants, finishing the cannabutter thats gonna be some strong shit i put 35g of pollen in and 10g of weed dust, and used coconut oil this time.

hows you? i wana get a wired xbox controller for me pc to play more games just got 58mg infinity, downloaded a shitload of games thats new tombraider is a pretty cool game.
Evening chaps,

Just sparked up some of the new stuff I picked up yesterday. Can't stop smiling, fucking great stuff. Watching Knocked Up and laughing my arse off. What are we up to then tonight?