The UK Growers Thread!

ya think ill knock one of them up just been thinkin about how to harvest every months (without a hid veg room), clone box straight into flower sog style, but dont want to realy risk 15 plants alltogether including clones its a shame plant number is such an important factor, not size etc.

I'm ganna do a DIY guide later not that there's much to it like. Ill tale pics tho lol I vegged one to a canny size in a soup pot.
last lot I ran to the 200 m8 20 oz an then got calls on the 300 which I couldn't fill, deffo holding some back this x as 300 is not to be sniffed at ime
most deffo not! and lots will pay it, i just like it gone in 1 go dont like to keep hold of it too long if your doing another soon after lol 200s i think for what it then gets broken down to in small street deals is a fair price. large parts of the country not just the south people are breaking down a oz to 300-450+
most deffo not! and lots will pay it, i just like it gone in 1 go dont like to keep hold of it too long if your doing another soon after lol 200s i think for what it then gets broken down to in small street deals is a fair price. large parts of the country not just the south people are breaking down a oz to 300-450+
yeah those cunts are just feedin off our talent, this is the future an these skills will be in gr8 demand ...fuk Gordon Ramsey the future will be uk growers showin peeps how to grow there favorit herb.. everyone will need weed wiv wats commin so I have an eye on the future an its Berkshire it goes summin like this."shit my man the price of wacky baccy is just fucking outrageous yah, but cant play polo without it"...too true..i fink
U need a good boot up the hole ic3, 160...pffhhh. Ye ain't even gettin a half off me for that

I KNOW MATE ITS NUTS THE GUYS ROUND HERE HAVE NOW AGREED I DO THE BEST WEED IN THE POSTCODE,, wen i have it, they say i need to get more posted thru lol,, but anwyays yeh, i was chatting to him saying u paying 220 and he was like na i paid 250 on last lot yet he moaned like fuk and tunred it down wen i went from 150 to 160,, fuk me charlie wait till i hit 19-200 then your gunna be fucked of,

anwyasy like i say immoving soonso it will be full time growing from theron out, il even have a mother box and il get sum1 to graft me a aerocloner thingy, fuk everything else, and i got in touch with pals form my home town and past them 10 or so of the last run as a test and it went great so from now on it will all be gone wen dried and paid within 7 days which im happy as jack about!
How mentally retarded must you be to actually pay £420 for an ounce? The police should setup stings and shoot these fools dead for the benefit of society.
I usually get rid of about 10 at 250 and the rest is split 50/50 with my m8 who gets rid of the rest at 50 for 3.00, so he makes up 450 on each which I get 225 of. So mine is split down the middle with someone and I'm still gettin more than u lol
i didnt say i payed that, thats the price for green over here really high demand for it but there aint no supply, its not commercially grown over here like the mainland and it dont get imported
I usually get rid of about 10 at 250 and the rest is split 50/50 with my m8 who gets rid of the rest at 50 for 3.00, so he makes up 450 on each which I get 225 of. So mine is split down the middle with someone and I'm still gettin more than u lol

na i get mor eyeild and better quality than you tho so that more thanmakes up for it


so hows a guy go about buying a bottle from ya then fella?

Steady on, lol.

you can buy that triacontanol from bloom

It's in quite a few products but none will do what this will if I get it right.

yorkie can you link me to your fogponic cloner tutorial or whatever it is, wanna read up on it.

There's a link posted in Don's thread, sorry I'm not looking for it lol.

mine fucked after 3 days i'm going back to dwc. tutorials good but the shitty chinese foggers are gash

that looks like a much better option yorkie:

won't ship to the uk tho....

Sorry to hear your new one fucked up as well mate, mines still cool.

I like the metal option, I want a 'Nutramist' one but the distributor is in the Netherlands.

yorkie i found ur thread on google haha

So did the guy I nicked some text from (the guy I bought the powder from actually), sent a copyright theft complaint email the div.