The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
k me 2 ladies,seems the donkey diks starting its first brown,the other one aint tho,how long it is first brown?coz i aint got a fuknut clue on my dates


Well-Known Member
thc bomb looking good and look like thay will be about 3ft, quick little buggers i will say that.

on my last grow THE DOCTOR is one i'd defo grow again as just over 3oz a plant (very bushy plant)

the vanilla kush got to 5ft in my nft trays after topping nice smoke and big buds


Active Member
Can someone explain what phenon is. Is it like same strain but one might produce 5 blade leaves and other one produce 3 blades?


Well-Known Member
Depends on strain AND pheno mate. You can't time it, every plant is different.
yeh i fugured as much tbh i was suprised to see em,the thought of them andc crytals never crossed my mind and wen i seen em i was like OH YEH!duh,lol
il get the 30x bak tomorrow so i can keep a better eye on things, clones looking good 2 matey had to raise em bak up closer to the light today,ther on full stregth starter nutes too,me new cfl should trun up tomorrow hopefully, so thatel be anouther 30 blue spec in ther,they should be happier with that,and il get another bulb next week, then hopefully thers yours cummin,but if not its no biggey,

wen should i sart adding that bottle of stuf u gave me? and was measurememt like 30ml per 10 litre or sum shit???


Well-Known Member
Wotagwarn pussy holes ?? Im fuckib wreked and a big day tomoz why do we do it lmfao ttt yours will be comin down first lmao its the easiest 1 thete to chop the leaf to bud ratio is second to fuck all imo so you ll be gettin it thursday/friday lad as for the rest fuck knows were ill start haha ill just cut the nearest bush or bud to me lmao

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
wen should i sart adding that bottle of stuf u gave me? and was measurememt like 30ml per 10 litre or sum shit???
Use it now if you want 1ml per litre, it's pretty pointless though because it's made out of that same chem salt I gave you.

I would advise you to put a teaspoon of that other powder per bucket aswell as the one you started using and they will put on a last big swell and harden up a treat in the final few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Use it now if you want 1ml per litre, it's pretty pointless though because it's made out of that same chem salt I gave you.

I would advise you to put a teaspoon of that other powder per bucket aswell as the one you started using and they will put on a last big swell and harden up a treat in the final few weeks.
ok so my new feeding schedule will be

40ml A and 40ml B
30 ml boost
30 ml rhiz
and 1 teaspoon of each of those powders



Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard from Kevin?I went and checked out his forum before the worm attacked it.If anyone is in touch would ya tell him to get in touch.I appreciate it.One Luv...


Active Member
Hi folks, How is everyone doing? not been on for a while been stupidly busy, but now been granted 4-6 weeks off work following 2 broken bones in the hand and 1 hours surgery. So gonna be able to get on alot more.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Howdy asap! 4-6 weeks sounded like a pretty fucking good holliday from work till i got to the end o the sentence. Hope it's nothing too serious, not serious enough to hamper ones rolling ability that is to say :)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
Hi folks, How is everyone doing? not been on for a while been stupidly busy, but now been granted 4-6 weeks off work following 2 broken bones in the hand and 1 hours surgery. So gonna be able to get on alot more.
u punch the boss or something? or upset by the king kenny sacking n took it out on a wall?
hahahaha hope u alright matey? hows the grow planning going?


Active Member
No fell out with the mrs and took it out on the wall! LIKE A KNOB!!

ttt I will be in practice of rolling one handed by the time this pot is off, well i hope so anyway.

The grow is in go slow until im back at work ssp sucks arse, but been grafting a bit on the side so got a bit saved up but no doubt it will now go on bills