The UK Growers Thread!

I am too lazy i get others to grow for me. I hate growing now.

People grow for you? You'd get told to go fuck yourself in the real world!

I have 9 plants at one spot and shortly will have 9 at another, if they yield 4oz per plant (not hard) then that's shy of £14.000 every 10 weeks (ish).
For that £14.000 it costs me an hour of labour per grow every 3 days!

I don't know what you do for a living Cat but I bet my left bollock you're not pulling a grand a week!

If you hate growing Cannabis then you're either crap or not growing enough to get paid!
People grow for you? You'd get told to go fuck yourself in the real world!

I have 9 plants at one spot and shortly will have 9 at another, if they yield 4oz per plant (not hard) then that's shy of £14.000 every 10 weeks (ish).
For that £14.000 it costs me an hour of labour per grow every 3 days!

I don't know what you do for a living Cat but I bet my left bollock you're not pulling a grand a week!

If you hate growing Cannabis then you're either crap or not growing enough to get paid!

Try 2 grand a week and you are getting warm and i dont have time to grow. I make and design websites.
In fact if I took my motorbike and made a full time, 40 hour week job of just riding round 9 plant tent grows stashed in apartments then I could quite easy pull over £10.000 a week!

The problem would then be what to do with all that raw cash.