The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
afternoon chaps, day off work today so gona order some kit, gona get the seeds in aswell, im ordering bb cheese dawg and barneys farm pineapple express auto, how we all doin anyway?
sober and bored. got niteclass later and just cant be arsed goin. leave home at 4pm dont get back till 11pm. 7 fucking hours for a two hour class! becoz of the fuckin trains and buses. i fucking HATE not havin a driving licence!!!


RIU Bulldog
sober and bored. got niteclass later and just cant be arsed goin. leave home at 4pm dont get back till 11pm. 7 fucking hours for a two hour class! becoz of the fuckin trains and buses. i fucking HATE not havin a driving licence!!!
That's what you get fro being a no account Scotsman. That;s just common law around here.


Well-Known Member
That's what you get fro being a no account Scotsman. That;s just common law around here.
most of the time not havin a licence doesnt bother me coz i live in the centreof the twon so all the shops and pubs are only a 5 min walk but if i had a car just now, i wouldnt leave home till just before 5 and i'd be back at 9. and my girlfriend and kid stay 5 miles away so ive gotta use a bus to see them, i dont get my licence back till next xmas. its a fuckin pain in the arse.


Well-Known Member
allrite ladz.I want to get a wee run about for xmas(crop)lol.time will fly in dura,like getting your legs cut off aye
OK someone said lack of nitrogen

what do you advice for nitrogen
by the way this is happening to the leaves that are in direct light the ones that are in shade are ok nice and green ,also should i really worry about this as it is day 17 of flowering ??
also i did a flush recently so as im growing with organic soil will it replenish N on its own given time ?
night time temps are as low as 7c - 10c
not 5 as previously stated sorry


Well-Known Member
allrite ladz.I want to get a wee run about for xmas(crop)lol.time will fly in dura,like getting your legs cut off aye
its fuckin murder mate. u get so fuckin lazy havin a licence and its not fuckin fun trying tae get your leg muscles rebuilt afterwards. i used to have very strong legs because i was serious hillwalker and did a lot of martial arts but after few years behind the wheel the muscle just goes. ah well, maybe its a lesson i'll actually learn.
just up your vegging nutes a bit 007.
ok well this is the point
i dont give my plants anything but water
the soil i use is plagron royalty mix it is said to have all the plant needs , i have 2 different strains 1 is and has done fine all the way with dark green leaves this one has had troubles like nute burn at first then some sort of build up nutes/salts ph idk flush sorted it , i can get veg nutes but i dont want to add if it is just a matter of time before the soil produces more nutes


Well-Known Member
ok well this is the point
i dont give my plants anything but water
the soil i use is plagron royalty mix it is said to have all the plant needs , i have 2 different strains 1 is and has done fine all the way with dark green leaves this one has had troubles like nute burn at first then some sort of build up nutes/salts ph idk flush sorted it , i can get veg nutes but i dont want to add if it is just a matter of time before the soil produces more nutes
difficult to give advice on that, i used to use miracle grow myself and only ever used a small amout of biobizz grow during veg, personally i'd let the soil dry and then give them a water/feed with quarter strength veg and flower nute.


RIU Bulldog
most of the time not havin a licence doesnt bother me coz i live in the centreof the twon so all the shops and pubs are only a 5 min walk but if i had a car just now, i wouldnt leave home till just before 5 and i'd be back at 9. and my girlfriend and kid stay 5 miles away so ive gotta use a bus to see them, i dont get my licence back till next xmas. its a fuckin pain in the arse.
I don't suppose you'd be willing to bike it would ya? Personally I love bike riding but it'd probably suck in the rain and snow I assume. That's the best part of living in Las Vegas; the weather. Even when it does hit 118*f, it's not too bad really cause the humidity is 1-2%. I think it only rains about 3 in. a year and when it snows, it's such a rare even that the whole city goes mad and there's all kinds of accidents and crimes and fucking mexican children being conceived. It's mental.


Well-Known Member
ok well this is the point
i dont give my plants anything but water
the soil i use is plagron royalty mix it is said to have all the plant needs , i have 2 different strains 1 is and has done fine all the way with dark green leaves this one has had troubles like nute burn at first then some sort of build up nutes/salts ph idk flush sorted it , i can get veg nutes but i dont want to add if it is just a matter of time before the soil produces more nutes
defiency problems can make the leaves get signs very simalar to nuteburn, that would be my advice that the 1 strain needs more nutes than its oviously getting seeing as your using none.


Well-Known Member
I don't suppose you'd be willing to bike it would ya? Personally I love bike riding but it'd probably suck in the rain and snow I assume. That's the best part of living in Las Vegas; the weather. Even when it does hit 118*f, it's not too bad really cause the humidity is 1-2%. I think it only rains about 3 in. a year and when it snows, it's such a rare even that the whole city goes mad and there's all kinds of accidents and crimes and fucking mexican children being conceived. It's mental.
ive got a mountain bike at the door but ive not been on it for months, i'd rather walk to be honest, im quite happy to walk to the girlfriends if the weather is ok but tonight i'm travelling to glasgow and its 40 miles away so i've no option but get a train.
ok so what foods do you guys recomend i have access to a proper grow shop but they have lots of stuff ,im after something i can add to small amounts of water ie 1 litre or 2 litre
i have seen canna boost but i need some advice really thanks to all who have helped me thus far =))


Well-Known Member
OK someone said lack of nitrogen

what do you advice for nitrogen
by the way this is happening to the leaves that are in direct light the ones that are in shade are ok nice and green ,also should i really worry about this as it is day 17 of flowering ??
also i did a flush recently so as im growing with organic soil will it replenish N on its own given time ?
night time temps are as low as 7c - 10c
not 5 as previously stated sorry
Ain't much wrong there. If thats your only problem(the purple viens and tips) then you should be fine. I reckon its just down to your really cold temps at night


Well-Known Member
ok so what foods do you guys recomend i have access to a proper grow shop but they have lots of stuff ,im after something i can add to small amounts of water ie 1 litre or 2 litre
i have seen canna boost but i need some advice really thanks to all who have helped me thus far =))
i always used bio-bizz range with soil, its cheap and effective


Well-Known Member
'I was overwhlemed with joy at the thought of having a shower! I'd not had one for weeks!''......Last entry in Anne franks diary.