The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
haha sorry man! i'm smokin a massive blue cheese J after making fillet steak with all the works and couldnt be fucked to go back a few pages to check robbieP's name. I was 99% sure but didnt wanna get it wrong as with the dog & the kid, poor robbie's got enough on his plate at the moment without some fuckin stoned country boy getting his alias wrong on here. Anyway, the misses has gone off to watch take that haha so I been smoking this shit all day :)


Active Member
wanted to watch a film tonight & really couldnt find anything to download, ended up getting the first godfather as Ive been meaning to watch them for years. I'm debating putting it on but I know its a marathon, plus I'm just not really feeling the mafia vibe tonight. Last thing I got that was ace was that film 'limitless' but Im really stuck for a fuckin ace comedy or action film that I havent seen.
Wouldnt mind watching 'attack the block' but think its too new to get on the sly off the net

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, just joking around, cheap japanese beer si good japanese beer! I weighed out a jar recently and concluded that i currently smoke an ounce+ a week, think i should prolly trim it down a touch :D


Active Member
if I was being honest an oz doesnt last me much over 2 weeks. Its difficult to tell tho cos the shit I buy isnt always dry, so I'm hoping properly cured shit might last me a bit longer.

...(as if - you know the nicer it is, the more we smoke!)


Well-Known Member
wanted to watch a film tonight & really couldnt find anything to download, ended up getting the first godfather as Ive been meaning to watch them for years. I'm debating putting it on but I know its a marathon, plus I'm just not really feeling the mafia vibe tonight. Last thing I got that was ace was that film 'limitless' but Im really stuck for a fuckin ace comedy or action film that I havent seen.
Wouldnt mind watching 'attack the block' but think its too new to get on the sly off the net
You ever use sceper to check for films , they have good stuff there i get all my films off them


Well-Known Member
no worries, some dont have direct downloads but if you click the comments link under the description theres normally a fileshare link or torrent link in the comments ;)


hi i am first time grower could some one please tell me wat is going on with this pic wat are the pod like things here and am i doing this correctly :cry:thanks



Well-Known Member
well those swollen parts have 2 white hairs which i think says its a female .. id wait for more guys here to reply before you do anything
hi another newbie from uk going to start a grow soon got some kit 8x600watt etc am looking for info on as ive never grown before in my other thread if you want a look!

but other question with the germination with paper towels is there a diffrence with plenty? as it absorbs so much water? may be a daft question lol
