The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
they on morning t.v talking bout decrimalising drugs some celebs have signed some petition to support decrimalising dope, remember when they downgrading it a few yrs ago you had all this media malarky for a good while before so.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, soz i wasnt trying to slag him off! Meh, it read funnier when i typed it, being baked prob helpt too.

Ive been slowly skimming through for a bit now, and finaly got to the end so thought id make my first post.
dont take no notice of me on here after 8pm lol vodkatime lol sorry m8 was just being a nob.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
why u say that don ?
well i look at it this way, i don't drive, so fucked if i'm gonna be getting a taxi from the hydro shop eh. internet's much safer, just be sure to ask when you order that the parcel isn't going to come with big fuck off letters saying 3 counties hydro or some bollocks for the return address. sounds daft but some of them do.
thanks a lot brothers but i dont think i am, i mean look at donnys last post....
also donny won a competition on the 600 thread which was a lot more people voting etc :) mr mc west holds his own as well, not forgetting dr green dre or ghb. sorry if theres anyone i forgot. fuck that sambo haha just messing bro's sambo is repping the uk as well lol
the knowladge is out there, just read something 3 times on different sites before u start beliving it :)
me heads got stuck in the door on the way oot. cheers las but i reckon your scrog has tanked owt ive done before. gonna change that soon enough though bro :lol:


Well-Known Member
Nothing motivates a jobless lazy racist alcoholic loser like the phrase " No Satellite signal received "


Well-Known Member
The girlfriend started calling my cock FIFA.

She says it's partly because 'I think it's bigger & more powerful than it actually is and over the years it's been involved in some dodgy affairs.'
But ultimately, it's operated by a wanker.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Jumped on here this morning specifically becaue of that and lo and behold. There is also a story today about celebrities signing a letter to cameron calling for the legalisation of "drugs" not cannabis but "drugs"

At the end of the day i guess i could say i don't really care too much about their drug laws because they don't effect me greatly, sure growing in ecret can be a litttle tricky but other than that i just do as i'd like with no care to legislation.

Fem or regs is a tricky one mate, if i had more space it would be regulars every time, right now i've 4 different reg strains vegging so hopefully i'll get a half half male to female, then i can make some beans. Your girls will also tend to be a lot hardier and stable if from reg seeds and not magicked. I've also noticed that the quality of fem seeds seems to be dropping, nothing to base that on just seems that there are huge amounts of hermies these days, it's gonna be a while before i'm convinced to plant my fem TH seeds freebies.


Well-Known Member
Jumped on here this morning specifically becaue of that and lo and behold. There is also a story today about celebrities signing a letter to cameron calling for the legalisation of "drugs" not cannabis but "drugs"

At the end of the day i guess i could say i don't really care too much about their drug laws because they don't effect me greatly, sure growing in ecret can be a litttle tricky but other than that i just do as i'd like with no care to legislation.
disgusting law tellin on yer

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i never buy fems. too herm prone from so many seed banks. i rock cuttings and reg beans.

TTT i know you and a lot of others on here grow just for percy but spare a thought for them that don't. legalisation will fuck their profit margins big time :lol:


Well-Known Member
i never buy fems. too herm prone from so many seed banks. i rock cuttings and reg beans.

TTT i know you and a lot of others on here grow just for percy but spare a thought for them that don't. legalisation will fuck their profit margins big time :lol:
thinking of going reg again and just never buying seeds again........

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah never say never man. theres stuff on my wishlist still. but at present ive got too many of mine and others crosses that are more appealing than buying beans


Well-Known Member
hahah never say never man. theres stuff on my wishlist still. but at present ive got too many of mine and others crosses that are more appealing than buying beans
ive only got the bubblebomb but was thinking of buying lemon skunk, bubblegum, thc bomb and pineapple kush reg, breeed them this year and just run my own like not that impreseed with some of the fem versions and fed up with spending doe....