The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Half ounces for £60, that would be about a year ago then, that grower was a damned honourable lady. Pity she got nicked out of real unlucky circumstances (had a mate around, he knew nowt of it all, they heard noises outside to find a bunch of kids with a knife prowling ardount he lawns, she walks out and starts giving them hell, but her fried called the cops not knowing better, doh.

Not sure if i mentioned, but my mate who shifts this and that told me straight off the bat that he'd pay £160 an ounce, what the hell is the dealer thinking offering £160 an ounce, does he want to piss off his mates and such that much, or does he just not make profit? :D


Active Member
maybe he was an old school dealer who just did it to get his own smoke and make enough money back to buy the next oz and do the same so on and so on, keeping his head down not bothered about the money or making himself blazing to the police.

if so we need more people like him!

i had a guy about 5-6 years ago who grew fat, stinky, stick, shiney WW buds, he use to do halfs for £60, oz's for £120 but after you bought off him for a couple of months he would do them for £100, but i lost contact with my contact to him

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
This guy contorls a large section of the city with that regard haha, his customer base is such that he can charge anything for anything and sell out, but he offered £160 straight off the bat, if i was forced to sell some weed, it would not be at a price or to someone that would see it hitting the streets at £10 a gram etc, i'd want a contract stating that it would be 3.5g 8ths if i sold at £100 an ounce etc, but dealers are dealers so he'sd say that and then do as he wanted. So i don't contact him when i have my own, he's not worthy :D


Active Member
man the sacks are getting smaller and smaller here all the time and everyone has the same merch so it doesnt matter who you ring your getting stung left right and center.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Quality is also massively dropping. A year ago this guy sold rokc hard tasty buds, nothing super dooper but respectable for the price, now all that is going around anywhere is bud that must have been hanging for maybe a day, 2 days max, fluffy damp garbage. Really wish i knew some local growers on a friedly basis so i could go around swapping buds and such, but i know if i swap with him it will be like swapping a lambo for a focus :)


Active Member
i know man, even the people i got to who have half decent stuff are getting shit at the minute

Really wish i knew some local growers on a friedly basis so i could go around swapping buds and such, but i know if i swap with him it will be like swapping a lambo for a focus :)
that had me laughing!!!!


Well-Known Member
cant you lot grow enough to keep you in smoke, cant believe you would go buy some at inflated prices lol.................


Active Member
i only grow one plant at a time for my own smoke, but i always end up keeping half and giving the rest to my mates lol.

so yep i buy at "nice one for buying my next car" price

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Join Date
Sep 2010
Telling the difference
Hi guys my first grow,all goin very well most plants 1ft high indoor with cfl.roughly 6 weeks old had about 10 days of nutes.

My question is they were a 10 seed indoor mix cinnamon,grapefruit,nev haze, Venus flytrap and a bonus seed northern lights. All seeds were shoved in a bag and not labled so when should I find see any signs of what's what it was a all female seeds.
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tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You won't easily be able to tell what is what but you know what was in there to start with so some folk might be able to identify certain strains once they get nice and big

@Del, that is the goal, but unfortunately i don't have the best space to play in and cockups happen to it is sometimes the ase that i'm a month without buds :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's not the same as "anyone know what strain this is?" as you know that it's limited to 1-10, i think you'll get some answers :)

Just back from sainburys, never thought i'd find myself scared to use a self service checkout, reason being every time i hit cash to try and pay the damned thing would simply electrocute me and little else. Bloody technology.