The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
not yet fingerz but im just about ready to get started, i was out today buying a few things i got a 20 litre box with lid for £3.99 and ive got my net pots and i checked out my air pumps, really need to get hydroton but as im only doin one i dont want to buy a huge bag.i,ll get it alltogether next week probably

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
cool mate look forwards 2 seeing some pics :) was really impressed with the roots coming out of my "net pot". got an airstone in there now. swing by and check it out when u got a min.

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
do any of you guys hav a longer than normal dark period when changing from veg to 12/12 ? - also if your using say 18 hours of light during veg from 8am till 2am when you change to 12 hours of light your cutting the light time by 6 hours do you take 3 hours off the start an 3 off the end so its on at 11am an off at 11pm or just turn on at normal time an off after 12 hours on at 8am an off at 8pm

dura can you tell me the size of your tent cos you were saying about only havin adequate room for 5 or 6 good size plants an iv got 14 in a 1,1/2 ft x 2,1/2 ft x 6ft cupboard. im puttin 7 (regular) into flower today an am gonna order a tent for the other 7 so im tryin to work out wot size i need


Well-Known Member
4' x 4' x 6 1/2'( 1.2 m x 1.2m x 2m) , the tents big enuff that four people could stand in it, two people facing the other two, the way i grow (in ten litre/3 gallon pots) is just to let my plant grow, i dont top or lst and i dont really prune, i might lollypop a bit if the strain ive got is exceptionally bushy, i'm probably gaunna have tae do that with my trainwreck this time around coz there fuckin huge and bushy as fuck. i'll take sum pics tonite(ive been sayin that for weeks but i keep fuckin leavin the camera behind), a tent the size as mine is perfect for 4 plants allowing them room at the side to get reflected light b, u could put 5 in but no more than that, i tried 6 but it was too many. ive currently got two tents this size and if got 5 plants in one and four in the other, the one with 5 in it is all trainwreck and like i said in another post i think i went too far with my veg im at day 19 of flower and there all between 4 and 5 feet and very busht, the tents maxed out, the other tent has 4 different strains; cheese, la woman , moby dick and hashplant haze, theyre all fine and around 3 to 4 feet and lookin good. ive heard of people putting there tents on the side and using it for sog or scrog or lst growing but i just cant be fucked with all that kinda work so i just let mine grow in a more natural way. i could say that my growing technique is to let mother nature do her thing but the reality is im just a lazy cunt.


Well-Known Member
Oscar Wilde said sarcasm was the lowest form of wit.

But then he never lived long enough to watch Loose Women.


Well-Known Member
A couple in their nineties are both having problems remembering things. During a checkup, the doctor tells them that they're physically okay, but they might want to start writing things down to help them remember.
Later that night, while watching TV, the old man gets up from his chair. "Want anything while I'm in the kitchen?" he asks.
"Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?"
"Don't you think you should write it down so you can remember it?" she asks.
"No, I can remember it."
"Well, I'd like some strawberries on top, too. Maybe you should write it down, so as not to forget it?"
He says, "I can remember that. You want a bowl of ice cream with strawberries."
"I'd also like whipped cream. I'm certain you'll forget that, write it down?" she asks.
Irritated, he says, "I don't need to write it down, I can remember it! Ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream - I got it, for goodness sake!"
Then he toddles into the kitchen. After about 20 minutes, the old man returns from the kitchen and hands his wife a plate of bacon and eggs. She stares at the plate for a moment.
"Where's my toast?"


Well-Known Member
stayed off it mate, had a couple of bottles on non alcholic wine coz my mate was in and had a few lines of charlie but i'm still on the anti drinkin pills so i cant touch any real booze. apart from the week i was on holiday ive been off it for about 8 or 9 weeks i think, im stayin off it for a few more months till ive cleared all my debts off and im hoping to goback to uni after summer so im seriously considering giving it up almost completely, just keep it for special occasions or planned days as oppossed to just goin wild and binging for days on end. the girl cant handle me when i go off on one and it costs a fucken arm and a leg when u consider that every time i hit the pub u gotta add a couple of g's of charlie on to the bill, each day out is a minimunm of £150 and i usually last around 4 days at a time, i just cant face the debt any more so i'm goin to clear my feet before i do anything, its the first time in my life i've ever been truly serious about it. must be gettin old.


morning all and what a fine one at that got up to find my seed poping through the soil nom nom cant wait. Anyone else grown northen lights befor ??

p.s Clear the debts off man and then the stress will go aswell dabts are bad mmk


Well-Known Member
yeah mate i know, its been hanging over my head for about 3 years now, too much charlie is the main reason. think im at about 4 grand debt ,this grow should see most of it cleared though.
havent don nl myself before but its supposed to be an easy enuff strain with a good yeild, im thinkin bout it and arjans haze for my next grow.


nice aint heard of that strain sounds funky mind i got NL coz its a low smell strain apparently (thats probly bs but meh whatever)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
morning all, seems t be a cracking day.

dura, how many palnst are you looking at getting into that 20L tub? you need to be aware that you will only ever fill with with maybe 60-75% full, i get 20L of water into mine, which is actually a 37L tub.i even need tos tart adding anothe 5L just to see if it'll give the 4 plants an extra day.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
sigh, well ym cupboard is not at full capacity. both totes and 8 plants in there. and it's stupid. i need to get a bit of space between the two totes, the flowered plants are just shadowing the little runts. the flat is mine for a further 2 months, so i'm tempted to buy a grow tent 1.2 and then just shift it to a friend when the spare room is occupied ebginning of july.

how obvious and obtrusive are these tents? do you guys have to tell guests what's going down or do you somehow keep it all to yourselves? (in that you lock the room it's in etc or?? i just gotta get a better space, mine is long and thin and it's hassssssssle.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ah, good man for mantioning that. i was just looking at the grow tent range and settled on fuck, they're all too big. at the end of the day i'd like it to slide into my big double door wardrobe, i could live with the veg in the closet instead (yeah, i have things the wrong way around :P)

i am in so much discomfort. was just up in the attic rolling around in fiberwool insulation while trying to rig some air lines, arggggggggggggh

edit: arrrrrrr, nothing really suitable to fit. my only option would be to move into the other room and just try and blag it as a wardrobe. i do like this room and the double bed though, fuck single beds. stupid falt, bah


Well-Known Member
sorry charmwha guess no one has used the stuff mate.
@ gymm, it supposed to be real high yeild with an easy grow mate, just read about it the other day
@ tip top, i'm only lookin at one plant just now mate just to see how it goes, got the tub froml the ocal paki fancy goods shop and theyve got quite a few larger ones, so its just an experiment right now and maybe go for it next time
i dont keep my tents at home , theyre in another house thats got a full spare room that no one goes near so i dont have any problems. only thing i got at home is a little clone/seedling cupboard with a 2 x 55 watt fluro unit , heated propogator and a little fan.


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend is ill and has just shat herself.

I said. "There you go, and you say your not scatty."