Star Dog's specific example was a plant treated with PGR. I think you may have read into what I said if you got anything else out of it. Like a demonization of PGRs.
Do we really know the plant was treat with pgrs though? Lots of strains just show that kind of bud structure as a genetic expression. And what about all the beautiful healthy bud grown with pgrs? I mean no offence, I just wanna shed some light on the subject, try being honest when a customer asks if your buds been grown with pgrs, I’ve 2 options, lie to protect their ignorance and miseducation, or tell the truth and risk being demonised by someone who doesn’t know any better, the stigmatisation alone puts people off perfectly healthy bud.
It’s like saying water is bad because some bud grown with some kinds of water is bad. Even though we know that not to be the case.
maybe I put to much into my response, it’s just a subject I feel strongly about, pgrs being bad is bro science, certain compounds being bad isn’t.
I say again, I mean no offence so sorry if I caused any