The UK Growers Thread!

#DST.........hey buddy any chance egh popping me an email ........this phones eh mines a nightmare a a canny fun it.(your email that is)........
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Yes , hand watering with a lance , yes it's a ball ache , but better than humping shite about 10 hrs a day or driving artics up & down for 55 hrs a week .
Invest in a dripper system at least or better yet a couple of NFT trays.
I don't know why everyone doesn't use NFT. It's the easiest way of growing I've come across. You don't have to find a way to get rid off loads of soil at the end and you only need to fill one reservoir up.
Everything fits in one bin bag at the end. If you let the roots dry out totally it looks like a massive packet of super noodles lol
I've been doing glue and exo in the same tray. It's not ideal though because the glue could use a bit more grub. It doesn't show deficiencies but I know it can get denser/heavier
^^^ Aye I've done a few growing techniques, I do like my soil . I'm probably going to do F&D, in a while garden is resembling an aincient burial site !
Invest in a dripper system at least or better yet a couple of NFT trays.
I don't know why everyone doesn't use NFT. It's the easiest way of growing I've come across. You don't have to find a way to get rid off loads of soil at the end and you only need to fill one reservoir up.
Everything fits in one bin bag at the end. If you let the roots dry out totally it looks like a massive packet of super noodles lol
I've been doing glue and exo in the same tray. It's not ideal though because the glue could use a bit more grub. It doesn't show deficiencies but I know it can get denser/heavier
The flav is better in soil if you water intermittently on demand rather than constant, so dripper even on a timer isn’t optimal for soil grows ime
I get ya Osca , I factor in "I can't afford to fuck this up" soil gives me slight more peace of mind , I will try NFT now I got a bit more room , you can dispense some of your knowledge to me if I do , if you don't mind :)
Absolutely fire Spud,Who ever has grown this we need to be friends.By far the best haze I have ever seen the smell from it is un real ,taste clings to the mouth super potent Medes this stuff.