afternoon guys my ballast broke last night ffs when u power it on it clicks the blub gives a little flash then nothing prob Igniter
Funny you should say I wasted about 7 gram bubble hash trying to melt it into pg/vg
Needless to say it didn't work lol
yeh man but the sun is in my garden form about half 6 am to 5pm and thats when temps are 30c with out lights lol so im on 9pm till 9 am nowCan you not run them at night Pompey? My rooms at 30 the last couple of days.....for the few days a year we get high temps it's hardly worth getting too worried about it. Similar to plants having cloudy days really.
Outdoor Hotdog.
i tried same bulb in diff ballast came strait on and tried 2 bulbs in the ballast thats not working and they did same thing just hers it click flash on then nothing i put a volt test on the out put side and when i trun it on i get a reading for about 3 sec then it gose blank so there is no continuous power to the out let if u know what i meanThe bulb has probably died early.
My Lumii ballasts do that when a bulb is fucked, safety cut off inside, they won't fire a dodgy bulb.
Check the ballast with another bulb that you know works 100%, I bet it'll fire up.
When that happened with me I'd only had about 6 weeks solid use out of the bulb, the guy at my local grow shop guarantees bulbs for a year, I told him the story and he told me to bring it back and he'd just swap it for a new bulb so I did.