The UK Growers Thread!

For 28 of his vals Inc l using pi postage is 28 quid but ir domestic so it would be cheaper but again don't deal till he uses pgp fuck that..chatting to him seems sound from up north once he's pgp I'll buy he actually works out cheaper than bizzle in bulk lol
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Acti..activia probiotic yogurt for the gut? He makes his own helps my acid reflux and many others we've legit businesses ventures here...noting to see here move along
Acti..activia probiotic yogurt for the gut? He makes his own helps my acid reflux and many others we've legit businesses ventures here...noting to see here move along
I thought that stuff was designed for old women that have trouble taking a shit.
That's prune juice...probiotic yogurt (natural bacteria in yogurt) is amazing for ones digestive system. yakult is another brand that's amazing!! actamel made up a word "alkeziaimunitaz "
to sell it as pro biotic but they got caught good n it was proven to be totally made up oh n if you've problems pooping prune juice or coffee (natural laxative) or a balanced diet of fiber to regulate bowl movements but now there is a big celiac fear monger campaign going on so future generations of kids will be bubble wrapped and constipated lol
I'm sure he got some in stock or is getting some?
fantastic won't be a little till I ask him like i said I've still some Landing but I'll DEFINITELY be looking. I'm getting 3-4e a pop shits cray cray ..n when I say I'll take em I will just need to crunch numbers n discuss it over email when the time comes closer no use talking shite now when the balls not even in the park
fantastic won't be a little till I ask him like i said I've still some Landing but I'll DEFINITELY be looking. I'm getting 3-4e a pop shits cray cray ..n when I say I'll take em I will just need to crunch numbers n discuss it over email when the time comes closer no use talking shite now when the balls not even in the park
What sort of prices are you getting right now?
What sort of prices are you getting right now?
for my star wars collectibles in their original packaging 3-4e a pop but has to be in its original packaging or at mostloose 1e a pop all about the brand aswell these are legit lucas/disneyland stamp of approval I've collected a few some fake some not but these are astronomically better...infact I'd be so bold as to say ones own true appreciation of these collectables is unfathomable
for my star wars collectibles in their original packaging 3-4e a pop but has to be in its original packaging or at mostloose 1e a pop all about the brand aswell these are legit lucas/disneyland stamp of approval I've collected a few some fake some not but these are astronomically better...infact I'd be so bold as to say ones own true appreciation of these collectables is unfathomable