The UK Growers Thread!

Thought I did. You made a error somewherebif your material buddered on you. Heat or water ia my guess.and when I make shatter that gets purged for minimum 48 hours usually double thathalook up knottys budder to shatter video. If you want budder learn to make shatter then whip that. Or no heat and least a week constant vac room temp. Just my two cents.
Ok, I saw your comments in the post. I will check his thread as I am not clear on what you mean - 3-5 days solid pump time, or material wasn't right (I pump till my vac is at the pressure then turn the pump off). It was trim, dried then frozen. Not sure what would be wrong with it.
Water probably caused it to wax and I have the pump running constantly. What temps does your chamber hit?
I have my vac chamber at 100f and -29inHG. I'll post a pic of it later as it will change from the above pic again. There may have been some water still in the trim (it has been drying for a couple of weeks) as I don't heat dry as I have seen some recommend.
I am an Economist at heart and I agree, there is always more than one way to skin a cat. But time is money, and to reduce the time on a process by spending a one off few hundred dollars makes sense to me. It's not like you buy a new vac and pump every time you make it. But I understand what the guy is saying, it is possible.
Time is money I agree just depends on what your happy with way I look at it is like this I can sale shatter for 70-80/g wax 30-50 £ and I made wax for a long time flavaz good but its just not on the same levelbas shatter imo taking that little extra time makes a superior product.
Everyone deserves at least 2 cents. I have only started doing this as I always felt water and ice extraction was safer. It's a learning curve of course. I'll post the results of this tomorrow when it's done it's thing vac purging.
that is one expensive fairy lol, she's a right little slag!
and dubs i wasn't aware there were people willing to buy at those prices in the u.k. madness!