The UK Growers Thread!

Ill snap some pics of the bho run ive been working on. Ran 4.5z to test the material result super stable not weighed the slab yet but smells of a lemon cheese combo supreme. True shatter never went above 75 terp profiles gonna be loud. loool been in the vac for 58 hours total damn vac is loud haha. Heres some pics from initial purge and before flip spread out as thin as poss.


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Jaysus I could of sworn I caught something just looking at some of em city beoirs..but fuck me some tasty vagina about n with the missus then the sly bitch cops on to me eyeballing all the uni gals n fucking links My arm like some fucking European couple..shit put me in my place.still worth it for all em purdy leggings arses about mmmm
hydro man I got one of the biggest neo magnets I could find, weighs 400 g lol and bunged it on the meter, no tape needed it is sucking shit out of summin lets hope its slowin down the wheel, ta for the tip I will know in 6 months if it works
hydro man I got one of the biggest neo magnets I could find, weighs 400 g lol and bunged it on the meter, no tape needed it is sucking shit out of summin lets hope its slowin down the wheel, ta for the tip I will know in 6 months if it works

Funny u mention it, my sis rang today saying she got one (I never bothered). She says when she put it on a certain part of the meter it stopped the wheel altogether lol, so she's moved it so it's just slowing the wheel down. Hers is just a pay meter, I'll see over weekend what kinda job it's doin
Irish traveller slang for women..some more are...buffers are non travellers, feeking is fucking n feens is lads I think. Gatting is drinking then so on..I'm sure this is more up irishes ally so he'll contribute

Ahh i only know a couple a words im sure u bog folk know more than me .. this psyco in the volcano is the fukn bomb