The UK Growers Thread!

fucking transport for london! closed down all the DLR in this area for some reason, then offered replacement busses that don't exist, and the only route on normal busses faced massive detour because they closed blackford tunnel for flood barrier testing. Then the taxi i booked for the gf is an hour late and i'm gonna be up for another hour waiting for it to get here.

London can suck by swollen hairy ballsack! If it weren't for the gf, you couldn't pay me a 7 figure salary to live here. (i lie, i'd take that 7 figures and hire myself a modern day guy fawkes!
Just got back from a coffeeshop in liverpool I have 2 conclusions for this. The psychosis and hash I took pissed on the blue cheese they had. And it wasnt worth a 2 hr journey and a barney with missus.

I've had a number of cheese variants from these big name breeders (most often it's big buddah) and tbh, they're mostly shit. From what i read, you're gonna have a ahrd time finding a commercially available cheese cross that beats psycho.

What's this cafe you talk of? Some backalley affair? I imagine it's hardly going to be a cafe like you'd find in amsterdam, although i know some folk did try to start such a thing in bristol under the guise of a burger joint and got shot down befoer they'd even started.

Closest equiv to a cafe i have here is paddy power betting shop, where they'll sell you a gram of seeded stalky brick for £20. (it's literally like the scenes out of The Wire, bunch of dodgy addicts outside who take the money and someone else gets you the baggy, as per former post, fuck london, do not EVER visit Deptford!)
Just got back from a coffeeshop in liverpool I have 2 conclusions for this. The psychosis and hash I took pissed on the blue cheese they had. And it wasnt worth a 2 hr journey and a barney with missus.

that fella hasn't opened back up in kensington has he the nutter? if it's not that one then you're one up on me mate!

but yeah the weed situation round here is terrible, if they aint got a real cheese cut then it has to be imported haze or you will be smoking shite.

ta for the offer yorkie but i don't even keep my trim any more and i've not made water hash in years as i find it a right ballache, might have a go at some bho at some point,
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Morning, one if my clones rooted so I'm assuming by lights on they'll all have rooted. Loving these temps have my 600w on overdrive n my clone on full swing n temp are 26 max lol...getting some nice cool temps when lights are out at some points she goes to 16c so I'm hoping this keeps up n I get some nice hues to me pot
Morning, one if my clones rooted so I'm assuming by lights on they'll all have rooted. Loving these temps have my 600w on overdrive n my clone on full swing n temp are 26 max lol...getting some nice cool temps when lights are out at some points she goes to 16c so I'm hoping this keeps up n I get some nice hues to me pot

yeah it's gettin really cold in the grow rooms now, wish i had more lights lol. i'm using a 2kw oil radiator that doesn't give much heat, i bet 3 x 600w would produce more heat and i could let that earn some money. all i need to do is set up in te next room on alternate 12/12 schedule swapping air from room to room.

on second thoughts think i'll just stick with the rad, sounds like too much work

and be patient with your clones man, best to wait t they all have decenct roots before you take them out.

oh yeah, and i don't even lift so i wouldn't waste my time taking steroids, not been into bodybuilding for nearly a decade now, still buff as though, just a hint of gyno and some rather depleted testes
Ah sure the cuttings have to stay put till my flowerings near done...once they've fully established themselves I'll pot em into little starter pots n they'll stay in that till I've chopped. Had em in those pots for bout 10weeks last run but it got to a stage where I had to water em twice a day haha
Had a brilliant smoking session last night with a mate...he's use to making a 50 bag last him a week so when he arrived I packed a bowl n topped it with keif, as he hit that I filled the vape n by the last vape I'd the blunt rolled with easily a 50 bag in there n keif sprinkled on top.. He was waaaaaay 2 stoned for ages, was afraid to walk home for a while n all. Heck I even laughed straight for ten mins lol
Omg man, I'd u down as a behemoth of a jersey shore lad lol ur bang on mate,The amount of tards that still take em n lift minimumly is ridiculous. I'll do em alright but I wanna be 100% certain before I go losing me hair n what balls I have left looool you know clomid is legal n will sort ur bitch tits looool also booze n shit don't help....definitely still have the ego mate lol hope u weren't one of em 20yrs old on roids lol shits ridiculous when u see these massive kids thinking theyre the bizz but in honesty they have to be retarded going on roids that young
did you have to wake him up at any stage? lol

i hope he made it home ok
Loool, this all happened in less than a hour, I literally handed him the vape after the bong n blunt after the vape lol text him this morning sure he'll be grand, he wasn't drivin...kept saying shit to him like "man u look really high.if I was a cop I'd definitely search you.
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On a chilly afternoon two days after Thanksgiving, hundreds of Detroiters piled into a downtown cafe to discuss a local issue that’s been getting a lot of attention lately: the possibility of a techno club and cultural center at Fisher Body Plant 21, one of the city’s many abandoned auto factories.

Leading the discussion was the project’s main visionary: Dimitri Hegemann, the German nightlife impresario who founded Tresor, arguably Berlin’s most influential techno club. Hegemann, 60, who has a compelling presence and speaks slowly with a soothing baritone, was optimistic at the meeting. “The potential is here, definitely, everything is here,” he said. “I’m 200% convinced many people would come here.”

Fisher Body Plant 21 is a crumbling, six-story structure that’s been abandoned for 20 years. Hegemann wants to convert it into a cavernous single-room center for alternative culture. In addition to a nightclub, he envisions, among other things, a pop-up restaurant, a youth hostel, art galleries and gardening allotments.

“It’s not only about a techno club,” he says. “It’s about an idea, a concept that will bring people to this city. Detroit needs a creative quarter where different things will happen.”
thanks for the quote abe! it;s time they did something with that once great city, the place where i live suffered a similar fate as detroit (as did most northern cities and towns) what the local government (with help from the e.u) have done with the city over the last decade is pretty fucking amazing, they turned one of the most down and out cities into a bustling metropolitan tourist attraction. it's all a front of course, but it does look good!

Omg man, I'd u down as a behemoth of a jersey shore lad lol ur bang on mate,The amount of tards that still take em n lift minimumly is ridiculous. I'll do em alright but I wanna be 100% certain before I go losing me hair n what balls I have left looool you know clomid is legal n will sort ur bitch tits looool also booze n shit don't help....definitely still have the ego mate lol hope u weren't one of em 20yrs old on roids lol shits ridiculous when u see these massive kids thinking theyre the bizz but in honesty they have to be retarded going on roids that young

i started lifting when i was 17, definately didn't need drugs then. didn't know what i was doing really but made some great gains as it was purely hormones pushing me forward. then i hit a plateau so started doing split programs and made further gains in size but never really got much stronger as i was always looking to do ten reps on every set.

then i started going to a bodybuilding gym where everybody in there was pinning and it made me realise that if i ever wanted to be like them i would have to do the same and it really turned me off the shit. there was a needle bin in the toilet and some of the lads were jabbing in the changies and not making any attempt to hide it. they did teach me some great tips on how to get what i wanted but i couldn't stay there i knew i would end up on the juice and i was dead against them. i was always a bit naive when it came to steds, i had listened to the mainstream media and a few old timers who had bad experiences with them experimenting in the early days. instantly assumed they make you kill your kids and your dick stops working lol.

after leaving juicehead gym i went to a commercial gym where there are loads of fit birds to perv on, that i where i lost all seriousness in training, i was working out solo and not able to push myself as hard. eventually i picked up too many bad habits and the gym just went out the window. that was nearly ten years ago and i aint been back in a gym since i was never stage prepped or anything, fluffy around 15% bf 5 11 and 215lb. i'm actually around the same weight now but my bf has doubled i would say, i still lift some really heavy shit in work so i have that to thank for not being complete slob. nowadays after i've done a bit, the last thing could imagine is going to the gym all dirty from work and bashing a session out, i used to do it but i'm one lazy cunt these days.

long story short, don't do drugs unless you are dedicated to working out, once you jab you jab for life or you will lose your shit that you worked so hard for. all the decent bodybuilders who i know have been cycling since they started,every single one who stopped looks like shit. i'm so glad i never tried that stuff.
That's exactly why I haven't started man. I got into working out as part of rehabilitation lol the routine really brings structure.. I've wanted to do it a while now but I've waited this long so I may aswell be sure 100% that I'm ready n that I couldn't
possibly make any more gains natty but the second I mix my workout up i see gains so until that stops I aint gonna jab anything into me. definitely look like shit when u jab for a long time with the stomach bloat shit all the pros get fucking nasty ass shit man. Age 40+ it wouldn't really have any negative effects unless u get waaaaaay 2 into it which I could see happening quite easily especially seeing gains that fast..u must feel like a fucking god
Stoned out me box throwing shapes all around the living room with me darth vader bath robe on, hood up looking dangerous lads listening to Irish mcs...they use alot of Irish slang..foreigners may struggle to decipher words lol#necrofuntimes
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i agree, the best time to start is when your body stops producing test and you have already had kids. then you can do what you like and show up all the youngsters at the gym.

i would love to start back again, reckon i'd more or less pick up where i left off, every day i seem to get busier and busier with work, i shouldn't really complain but it would be nice if i did have a bit of spare time in the week to dedicate to making myself better. the cycle im in now involves smoking and eating too much shite lol

you lads love your MCing n that, i cant stand white people emulating blacks, we invented cuture and they are just taking us backwards, copying them doesn't help lol