Just got back from a coffeeshop in liverpool I have 2 conclusions for this. The psychosis and hash I took pissed on the blue cheese they had. And it wasnt worth a 2 hr journey and a barney with missus.
Just got back from a coffeeshop in liverpool I have 2 conclusions for this. The psychosis and hash I took pissed on the blue cheese they had. And it wasnt worth a 2 hr journey and a barney with missus.
Morning, one if my clones rooted so I'm assuming by lights on they'll all have rooted. Loving these temps have my 600w on overdrive n my clone on full swing n temp are 26 max lol...getting some nice cool temps when lights are out at some points she goes to 16c so I'm hoping this keeps up n I get some nice hues to me pot
Loool, this all happened in less than a hour, I literally handed him the vape after the bong n blunt after the vape lol text him this morning sure he'll be grand, he wasn't drivin...kept saying shit to him like "man u look really high.if I was a cop I'd definitely search you.did you have to wake him up at any stage? lol
i hope he made it home ok
On a chilly afternoon two days after Thanksgiving, hundreds of Detroiters piled into a downtown cafe to discuss a local issue that’s been getting a lot of attention lately: the possibility of a techno club and cultural center at Fisher Body Plant 21, one of the city’s many abandoned auto factories.
Leading the discussion was the project’s main visionary: Dimitri Hegemann, the German nightlife impresario who founded Tresor, arguably Berlin’s most influential techno club. Hegemann, 60, who has a compelling presence and speaks slowly with a soothing baritone, was optimistic at the meeting. “The potential is here, definitely, everything is here,” he said. “I’m 200% convinced many people would come here.”
Fisher Body Plant 21 is a crumbling, six-story structure that’s been abandoned for 20 years. Hegemann wants to convert it into a cavernous single-room center for alternative culture. In addition to a nightclub, he envisions, among other things, a pop-up restaurant, a youth hostel, art galleries and gardening allotments.
“It’s not only about a techno club,” he says. “It’s about an idea, a concept that will bring people to this city. Detroit needs a creative quarter where different things will happen.”
Omg man, I'd u down as a behemoth of a jersey shore lad lol ur bang on mate,The amount of tards that still take em n lift minimumly is ridiculous. I'll do em alright but I wanna be 100% certain before I go losing me hair n what balls I have left looool you know clomid is legal n will sort ur bitch tits looool also booze n shit don't help....definitely still have the ego mate lol hope u weren't one of em 20yrs old on roids lol shits ridiculous when u see these massive kids thinking theyre the bizz but in honesty they have to be retarded going on roids that young
Man that mc is a kid from Ireland he's freestyling in em songs he's even in a school uniform in one..fucking talented man