Ah, not too bad then. I'm terrible when cutting off alcohol. If I took I have to drink. There was even a study done not too long back which concluded that people who drank while toking felt significantly higher and such than those just toking.
so far, I've had 4 lectures, and its been an utter and complete waste of my time. I'm no genius, but what I'm currently being taught, bloody 4 year olds would know. Other than that though, almost settled in. Decided to stay on the cheap ads flat, but made demands and there is a brand spanking new oven and hob sat in the kitchen waiting to be installed, a new washing machine on the way, landlord is moving all his shut out of the communal areas, and ill be getting broadband before too long instead of having to live off this free local WiFi bullshit. Haven't been able to watch a YouTube video since I got here. But it looks like the boat is finally righting itself.
Beer festivals are awesome. Be sensible now

best one I've been to so far was not strictly a beer festival, although might as well have been, but grillstock in Bristol. No doubt it happens elsewhere in the country as well. Basically a shit ton of beer and BBQ teams from around the world all cooking up stuff for you to judge. So much amazing meat and beer, it was unreal. Oh, and amazing live blues, jazz, and rockabilly music.