Well-Known Member
Looks more like the vomit they scrape off the floor of Bigg market at the end of the night lolfeck me these two look like dogs dinners doon the bigg market.
Looks more like the vomit they scrape off the floor of Bigg market at the end of the night lolfeck me these two look like dogs dinners doon the bigg market.
you dont by any chance have an excess of pills there currently do ya? looking for some if anyones got any extra they wanna shiftfuck it i'm gonna have half a blue diamond, make a carrier bag mask n fuck the gf in me flatcap.
I swear she's wearing the same hat as brad pit in snatch. probably as hard as the pikey too.Looks more like the vomit they scrape off the floor of Bigg market at the end of the night lol
And that's why I'm dating a german lol no word of a lie 99% of female irish gypsys dress like that all the time...for reals lolfeck me these two look like dogs dinners doon the bigg market.
If u wanna fuck your sister then that's your business lolCheers fella. might get the missus to do an x rated shoot later haaha mind that's if i can hump with it on, probably end up doing a dave carradine.
you know what i admire the life the pikeys have. they answer to no one and do what they need to live. how many of us dream of being offered grid yet call them thieving pikey bastards behind their backs.
is that not allowed in ireland, seems to happen a lot in the islamic republic of englandIf u wanna fuck your sister then that's your business lol
knew i should have gone with the michael hutchins instead.If u wanna fuck your sister. then that's your business lol
Don't get me started on the irish and their inbreeding lol shits illegal but you don't see that stopping that not allowed in ireland, seems to happen a lot in the islamic republic of england
nah dont have either, hoping to get it sorted at some point though when ive actually got some money to spend, all the money from this harvest is going straight on debt payments save for £100 , hopefully by xmas tho should be good.........was basically just looking at 5-10 for me n a few mates, wouldnt even know about mg tho, i just chuck em down me neck n think fuckit lol, basically some decently strong ones lollol, excess aye right next to the pile of left over toot. hahaha i'm putting an order in soon. what mg and how many you talking about. don't you have an agora or SR log in?
lolWow, you have pikeys in Ireland.......whoever woulda thought? lmao
Think I sent u ones before sae....they would have been 220mg, there the ones u wantnah dont have either, hoping to get it sorted at some point though when ive actually got some money to spend, all the money from this harvest is going straight on debt payments save for £100 , hopefully by xmas tho should be good.........was basically just looking at 5-10 for me n a few mates, wouldnt even know about mg tho, i just chuck em down me neck n think fuckit lol, basically some decently strong ones lol