The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
usualy use nets but go to tall couldn't get them over lol.....gary how do u put images up like u did of puppy?.....this site changed since last time I was ere lol
Click the upload file button at bottom of the reply box, select the image u want and upload, then just click full size image to make it large


Well-Known Member
Looking sweet mate,

Im still running the Exo but still waiting on a psy cut, but getting that and a Slh cut in a cpl weeks from iceman, whenever I can be arsed driving back down to pick em up, Got a dog and jakes deam from BB running this time as well but I never took cuts apart from exo, so if either are any good I will reveg and get cuts off em then,
yer aint to bad......bit of curl on this lot but 2 be expected with our tems up n down atm....usually get 5 to 6 off each one


Well-Known Member
yer aint to bad......bit of curl on this lot but 2 be expected with our tems up n down atm....usually get 5 to 6 off each one
My temps at start of this grow were up to 36c during light on so I finally had to invest in a cooltube now ive had that running it only eaches 27-28c at most now, but im running at night also so that helps a little, no curl yet thankfully on this lot they dont seem to have minded the hotter 1st cpl weeks


Well-Known Member
loft temps are a pain in the fucking arse, my veg hit 40 this afternoon. in that last few hours blazing heat we had,
yer its only thing doin loft temps are an ass ...I leave my doors open atm and 2 big fans blowing air round loft.....


Well-Known Member
leav tent doors open? really? have u got anything over the gaps between teh tiles or just as the roof comes?

im runig about 29-31 in HOT weather with my flower tent and 1k, thats ok but the veg with 400MH is like fucking mid-late 30s in HOT weather with a 5" rvk lol fuksake

mad swings, got humidty sorted at least


Well-Known Member

good to see u back tho mate, fucking el that thing looks poisoness? n your sharing a coffee with it lol
iy iy ramboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice 2 c she harmless little beauta she is...otherones my male


Well-Known Member
leav tent doors open? really? have u got anything over the gaps between teh tiles or just as the roof comes?

im runig about 29-31 in HOT weather with my flower tent and 1k, thats ok but the veg with 400MH is like fucking mid-late 30s in HOT weather with a 5" rvk lol fuksake

mad swings, got humidty sorted at least
I use box fans and got this weird machine that nutrulises smell weird it is but works wonders...also use a sep filter in loft to outside tents....


Well-Known Member
iy iy ramboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice 2 c she harmless little beauta she is...otherones my male
i just thought cause of the colour of the first one i aint got a clue what they geezer, they look cool tho especially them big ones.

and the motocross that sounds pretty feking sweet lol not for me id just fall off first jump n break a bone of 2 plus the bike lol i like to watch it tho n can imagine it being pretty fun.


Well-Known Member
and yes bikes kept in hallway no fbukas pincing that lol........Rambo mate yer its a proppa buzz wen go to 20 sqid payed for a day ov fun....come off few times but body armour done the job lol