The UK Growers Thread!

Sure when I was getting clean off the nasty stuff they made me take up gym n cardio, try hitting the gym a lil rambo once you see results ur hooked!! N when u gotta workout 6 days a week u don't have much time for impulsive behaviour...heck imma try making cheese when I get the chance lol
Fuckin hell lads its a dark mood in here 2day aint it, lighten up ya bunch of morbid old cunts,
Rambo I feel for ya mate I have seen many friends and some family go off rails with alcohol and even lost a few to its abuse its a horrible nasty drug once it gets a grip of u, much worse than most illegal ones, I hope u fight it man and get urself sorted out, ur a gd bloke,

Now cheer up fucktards, the suns out and its still technically the weekend, enjoy it.
Sure when I was getting clean off the nasty stuff they made me take up gym n cardio, try hitting the gym a lil rambo once you see results ur hooked!! N when u gotta workout 6 days a week u don't have much time for impulsive behaviour...heck imma try making cheese when I get the chance lol

thats a good idea mate joining back up at a gym, one of them 24hr gyms just opened close to me its only 12.99 a month n is a big gym aswel, years ago when i was bad on the gear i was offered a inpatient rehab thingy was a long time ago but i think it was for 6months or sumthing like that i refused it tho, wish i hadnt lol
aye man, I've cut ties with a lot of people i used to hang with just to cut my intake of everything down. much like yaself I have no off button, i'll keep going til there's none left or i'm unconscious. gets old eventually eh.

it's the boredom that gets me. sobriety without hobbies is like fucking jail time ( i imagine!) and you don't strike me as the type to go fishing lol.

aye the scran in Rome was incredible mate, even the not so great places still kicked the chops off the likes of Zizzi's n whatever. I've been thinking about getting a stone tile i can bung in the oven and do proper pizza's like they do thin and lush but then i'd just get even gatter eating pizza's all the bloody time.

BHO looks fucking MEAN!

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nice slab don please tell me you got a vac and that though.. tane soup and mystery oil aint cool. how much did ya run?
only way to stay off booze is to look at the reason for the drinking in the first place, I now know so its easier to stop, I don't wanna touch booze again but prob will......its jus so fukin nice that's the problem, wish it tasted like dog shit or DMT ....don't see me smoking that ever day cos its rank
only way to stay off booze is to look at the reason for the drinking in the first place, I now know so its easier to stop, I don't wanna touch booze again but prob will......its jus so fukin nice that's the problem, wish it tasted like dog shit or DMT ....don't see me smoking that ever day cos its rank
Thanks for the heads up, I'll make sure to never smoke dog shit now. Lol
only way to stay off booze is to look at the reason for the drinking in the first place, I now know so its easier to stop, I don't wanna touch booze again but prob will......its jus so fukin nice that's the problem, wish it tasted like dog shit or DMT ....don't see me smoking that ever day cos its rank
the taste of tryptamines is truely foul al 4 ive tried tasted like melted plastic and poison
fuking irish! cant shoot for toffee.

yeh sambo, its gunna be rough mate and them anti drinking drigs only any use AFTER u got off it. all i say is copius amonts of benzos taken over 2 weeks and locked in ya mams spare room.
3 buckets
1 for vomit
1 for shit
1 for piss
soup-10 cans of

u get the drift.
Fuckin sickening isn't it! That day another little 6yr old boy was knocked down by a car n no word of a lie his last words to his mother were "I don't want to die mommy"

that fucking film was the beginning of the end for me lol you no when they are robbing the old peoples home and hes saying bout all the different drugs, me n me pal where searching for his mums hash stash n found loads of tamazepam we was only 12/13 but i member saying to me pal, these are them pills they talk about in trainspotting we can get wrecked of these lol
Fuckin sickening isn't it! That day another little 6yr old boy was knocked down by a car n no word of a lie his last words to his mother were "I don't want to die mommy"

yeh its bullshit, no morals nowadays, and i KNOW it happens everyware not just in paddy land, i just noticed teh story.

fucked up bruv

by the way, still runing te side by side canna/topmaxx, 3 weeks left ish

that fucking film was the beginning of the end for me lol you no when they are robbing the old peoples home and hes saying bout all the different drugs, me n me pal where searching for his mums hash stash n found loads of tamazepam we was only 12/13 but i member saying to me pal, these are them pills they talk about in trainspotting we can get wrecked of these lol

lol... cant u get down to zedds gaff for a week and get a lil support for cumming off? sure hes help,

but syaing that would u wanna have a arse explosion in such a lovely toilet?
You already have me convinced the topmixxx is better but I'll wait till you've smoked the both of em...wanna know if the boost really does improve the flavour like they say(promise even) it does...

that fucking film was the beginning of the end for me lol you no when they are robbing the old peoples home and hes saying bout all the different drugs, me n me pal where searching for his mums hash stash n found loads of tamazepam we was only 12/13 but i member saying to me pal, these are them pills they talk about in trainspotting we can get wrecked of these lol
Lol the movie showed the shite side of drugs wtf were you thinking haha
lol... cant u get down to zedds gaff for a week and get a lil support for cumming off? sure hes help,

but syaing that would u wanna have a arse explosion in such a lovely toilet?

zedds me friend not me counsellor lol ill figure it out ice got no choice ive gotta either that or drink meself to death...

how u been doing with your detox, u all good now?
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I have to agree relax, trainspotting came out when I was 11, and it was prob that film that made me decide never to try smack and also made me avoid all drugs apart from weed till I was 16 and got in with a bad crowd lol
Anyone who watches trainspottin and is inspired to go on a drug binge is fucking insane, lmao
Jaysus u started late lol I was buzzing at 13! Cannabis (hash) at 12.Ive always had an overwhelming dislike for needles but it didn't stop me smoking it n fyi shits not that great but saying that I only smoked crack..THATS A FUCKIN DRUG LOL wow talk about wow lol