The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I definitely see ur point m8, get on some of them Dutch pills, just like the good old days they are. You been on the forum much?
Yeah but mostly for sourcing the best coke vendor n the pharmaceutical grade wins but it's like 440e for an 8th but for a one off i might.


Well-Known Member
when you can bring a cut back from moly def then u can call urself master and name cuts you were gifted lol, z cut is catchier and gb you wanna join in this pissing contest? well I don't mind cos you could call it what ever and I wouldne understand ye fukin accent so wouldn't care....cunt s lmao


Well-Known Member
when you can bring a cut back from moly def then u can call urself master and name cuts you were gifted lol, z cut is catchier and gb you wanna join in this pissing contest? well I don't mind cos you could call it what ever and I wouldne understand ye fukin accent so wouldn't care....cunt s lmao
See I wouldn't let it go moly def to start with m8 ; ) so I wouldn't know


Well-Known Member
when you can bring a cut back from moly def then u can call urself master and name cuts you were gifted lol, z cut is catchier and gb you wanna join in this pissing contest? well I don't mind cos you could call it what ever and I wouldne understand ye fukin accent so wouldn't care....cunt s lmao
I am the fuckin master dickhead!!!!!


Can any 1 help me diagnose this issue and how to fix it please I have been only feeding them 0.3 ec of vitalink coir and i adjust ph to 6.4 after reading i think its a mag deficiency or ph is off thought i would ask before blindly trying to fix thanks DSC_0077.JPG DSC_0078.JPG DSC_0082.JPG


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
See I wouldn't let it go moly def to start with m8 ; ) so I wouldn't know
oh you know it was sent in the post like that topped by the royal mail no doubt, chedz did not send a healthy plant....but the genetics are bang on and fuk me if this isn't lemon with a hint of lemon merengue pie, all the secondaries are colas, great plant


Well-Known Member
Was hardly my guy anyway twat, if u knew the whole situation you'd understand, but ye don't. So how's the psycho then? Have u mutated it then?
what physco? oh the one i have and u havent? yeeeeh shes fine, in 11L pot now and under the MH directly, strangest shaping physco i ever seen but yeh shel do ust fine, and now i know my bubble works :)

sound slike u may hav stumbled on a ghs pheno of the slh, i refuse to belive its the same LAS cunt, sorry but the dude was so full of shit..................

if gary named the cut would have to be summert befitting a scot like, err the "commoners cut"

or sum shit