Think badge was on 3-4 weeks ago n i think he was still running ur cut Gary...won't put a grand on it but I'd happily put a tenner down (this doesn't count as a bet rambo lol)I asked that few days ago Gaz, I sent him a filter last year, ain't heard nothing from him for a long time. Hope ya ok mr Badgers !
morning geezers, sat waiting for the postie haha
Fuck sake lurker not seen u on in a day or 2, how ya doing mate.still waiting for the postie meself dub????
Sent it mate got tracking at home I'm at ices, lmao ur battery nd postage raped me there's 2 tops a batt nd charger in package matestill waiting for the postie meself dub????
Fuck u not having withdrawal symptoms from the thead, almost a week without reading up on us dumb fucks,aint even been lurking mate, been a a bender since sat morning lol
Sent it mate got tracking at home I'm at ices, lmao ur battery nd postage raped me there's 2 tops a batt nd charger in package mate
Thinking of going off the walls when I go to the canna cup...fucking deserve itaint even been lurking mate, been a a bender since sat morning lol
Fuck u not having withdrawal symptoms from the thead, almost a week without reading up on us dumb fucks,
Ya mad cunt what u been binging on this time man?
Lol good man, maybe not my thing mate but each to their own, if u had a good week then fuck it who cares,u wouldnt wana know gboy lol lots of class a's,b's a few c's lmao
get out of town dub my postage n packaging to you cost me near a tenner ya git.
u like that smoke?
Lol good man, maybe not my thing mate but each to their own, if u had a good week then fuck it who cares,
So that u on the recovery now then getting ur shit back together aft a messed up week
Maybes she's born with it.. Maybe it's ketamine..