Anyone know of anyone that is into decks/mixing/hip hop vinyl etc?
If ur sitting with ur daughter what the fuck r u doing on here loljust blazin a fatty with my daughter, glass of wine....lovely
I've a set of broken decks and a mixer in a box under the steps.
lol, mate of mine is trying to find a buyer for some decks/mixer/vinyl she was given, didnt know if anyone on here might be interested or know someone that might be, vinyl is all hip hop from the 90`s/00`s so quite a niche market lol
Yh but ya cant ply wit mp3 like u can vinyl
Yh but its not the same ya cant deny that mate
Alot more went into to dj'in back befor cd mp3 auto sync auto que and so on....... befor digital tjere was more involvement
£1 a shot ish, it's vinyl man.
12" singles were never more than about £5 new.
And with the day and age of the internet it's worth less, CD/ MP3 mixing is more common.