You call me a nigga on here I take it ill argue but ill take it. Now u call me a nigga on road n see if theres time for u to say I dont mean it in a racist way. Fuckin wank dont try differentiate the word nigger to one that knows it best. A nigga, nigger is same meaning a black slave no matter how u wanna put it. Now if you wann to argue a point thatbits not racist thenntou better use the terminology thats a little more acceptable for a black man which is negro
Negro- The colour black or Niger which is black in Latin or simply to be black.
Seems theres been a lot of educating you york and ic3 gary u been trying to get in but just stick ur head back up your arse where it belongs. The darkness and crap in there is best suited for you not the lot of us hearing what you bring out of it.
Mainey let me illustrate your fallacy one last time.
I have never called you a nigga or nigger (if you think otherwise then please quote the post but you can't because it doesn't exist)..
I said if you are not a "stereotypical, ignornat Yank nigga" then stop talking like one.
This is a cultural observation and it has nothing to do with the fact you have black skin, if it was the case then I wouldn't have preceded the word "nigga" with "stereotypical, ignorant Yank" now would I?
If I intended to be racist I would have just said "Mainey stop talking like a nigga" and you would have every right to be offended because that is a racist connotation, however I never said that.
Negro is more acceptable for a black man? When we're talking exclusively in respect to skin colour I agree, but we're not, we're talking about cultural differences so the word "Negro" has no place within this context.
Another example is I use the word 'Paki' very liberally living in Bradford.
When I use the word "Paki" it is not as a derogatory slang term for all humans of Southeast Asian origin.
It is used to describe those ignorant bastards that make no attempt to integrate into society, don't speak any English despite being born here and contaminate the streets with poor hygiene standards among many other things.
These are cultural differences Mainey, they bear no relation to skin colour whatsoever.
If you ever come to Bradford and hear a person of Pakistani decent refer to another as a "dirty paki" you may start to understand this phenomena.
I didn't understand it at first either but after some time you start to learn.