The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
let lemon post his own shit, its about time he stopped hittin on the homies, I don't wanna fukin see the shit anyways lol love ya lem
Ur fuckin right zeddd, I don't like posting pics either but get the urge sometimes lol,, think I'll send mine too ic3 too.....or maybe not, can u trust him lmao


Well-Known Member
lmao can i get a proxxy pls lol i loved me old pics but kinda glad they gone now lol tents caught on fire from random sucked in joints or not gotta give it to ol lem for that lolol


Well-Known Member
lmao can i get a proxxy pls lol i loved me old pics but kinda glad they gone now lol tents caught on fire from random sucked in joints or not gotta give it to ol lem for that lolol
In my tent the intake blows across the floor it dosent suck, I just can't get over this, because of this I call bullshit!


Well-Known Member
fuking hell lem i tink u lost all credibility, assumig u had it in the first place, loll the joint line was a kicker,


and course u can trust me, i get oyr images remove all exif make a copy send to scotland yard then post here.

shar thelove!