The UK Growers Thread!

that was a funny pic like, looks like he had a stroke as it got took!

i can forgive you sambo, i've been called worse things than black before today.

and finally, what the fuck was kev murphys graft? anybody care to share the story that knows? i remember the site went all fucked, i lost loads of pictures and shit or were the two not connected?

edit and shawny i picture you like funguy, close?
don't know what give you that idea you nutter! couldn't be much more in the wrong to be honest lol.

baz your plants must be bigger than you, any pics of the beasts?

I've posted loads over the years m8, just can't be arsed anymore , but I will if I get the motivation lol, they are 4 ft ,took herds of cuts , got 6 exo , 1pysco & 1 liver in flower at the mo.
Haha gaz I just seen it flick in thru shits crazy mate....can't watch it again I'll end up buying one lmao...@ G what's funguy?? Lol all I can think of is mushrooms haha
im alrite mate just bored wouldnt be here unless shit i forgot only grow talk lol just carnt get me head round that lol

put some tom sauce under that cheese n some shredded ham on top that chedder hmmmmmmm

Lol , I will defo do that , you're ghee tip was cracking , better absorption & tastier cakes too ! Mmmmmmm Chedder lol
i thought you were talking about that benefit street that was on the other day, it was repeated tonight.

did you see it?, he was a right fun guy
gone are the days of putting ground up buds in your cakes lol, they used to be terrible but the effect was strong.
chedz i am a fat fucker that much is true but im not bloody ginger..... u wanker and you called me northan wanker more than once i never been further north than norwich lol

had to edit that can you member kevin murphey lmfao

Fuck off ya fat ginger northern wanker u and kev were bestests bro all ya posts am on here !! Lol ya even put ya name on the bottom of ya feet so we all knew who ya was as you was that far up his arse we could smell ya breather comin outta his mouth lmao
anyone watched that badgrandpa from jackarse yet? its been out a while but not long hit the torrent sites in dvd well worth a watch
Fuck off ya fat ginger northern wanker u and kev were bestests bro all ya posts am on here !! Lol ya even put ya name on the bottom of ya feet so we all knew who ya was as you was that far up his arse we could smell ya breather comin outta his mouth lmao

lmao i wished ya cunt that fucker ended up pulling a few tasty scams threw various weedsites, earnt a few bob loads more than the great subbie scam that is lmfao
i watched that the other night, can't remember much about it other than it was funny. seemed too set up at some points til you seen the credits and the cut scenes
i watched that the other night, can't remember much about it other than it was funny. seemed too set up at some points til you seen the credits and the cut scenes

yeah i thought the same till the end n the cut scenes, i was laughing hard tho at points was some funny watching.
lmao i wished ya cunt that fucker ended up pulling a few tasty scams threw various weedsites, earnt a few bob loads more than the great subbie scam that is lmfao

Lmao mate I love ya really lmfao subbie scam ya mad fucker coulda done with the fuckers aswell were I was I would nt of come out lol
it was like watching a stand up comedian where you laugh your bollocks off but can't remember the jokes after it cause they were so thick and fast.