The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
You doing well scram, good job booze n weed are ok, or do they look for weed?
no mate i told her im still puffing, fair play Z i carnt grumble doing the drugs i was and turning up to visit the kids out me nut was not fucking on! was disgraceful behaviour and fair from proud of it.... but shit happens and i needed some1 to rein me in, aslong as im not testing for the hard shit shes cool


Well-Known Member
no mate i told her im still puffing, fair play Z i carnt grumble doing the drugs i was and turning up to visit the kids out me nut was not fucking on! was disgraceful behaviour and fair from proud of it.... but shit happens and i needed some1 to rein me in, aslong as im not testing for the hard shit shes cool
Sounds reasonable man


Well-Known Member
Hardly skydiving, a static line but 4 seconds of free fall, lol, pathetic I know but I could swallow more mushrooms than most and still ride a bike at 150 mph, lol
Aye fuck the static line, looked at that but decided to go full whack, full Aff and 10 jumps after

And ye can keep ur mushrooms lol


Well-Known Member
i just dont get the throwing yaself out a fucking plane for fun!?!?

fair enough if your going to war and gotta get troops behind enemy lines etc but for fun! plus im about 5stone over the weight limit for that shit aswel thank fuck lol