The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Lmao Makka's got it MG ! , can't be doing with puss filled boils & such like, I've just chowed down !!!
Nah its popped and iv got a hole there now it's sore as fuck walking like a shit me sen pmsl no puss that's all gone just a red sort of hole now u want a pic dude hahaha


Well-Known Member
Do u live in a caravan mate ? & please don't show ya gammy gash :(
Hahaha na just come at weekends and half terms dude be here for the six week holls as not having a proppa holiday this yr. Normally get a swap to go to different parks but no one stands out this yr well just don't like the ppl who are wanting to swap. And not paying 1500 quid to hire a narrow boat this yr to as last two yrs I paid 700 getting greedy man


Well-Known Member
Thing is he thinks he's a chiwawa as iv two of them little shits to ones like my little baby and the other gizmo right nasty little cunt he is and dell he's soft as fuck