The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
what i dont get with the insurance tho is have you gotta pay out the bill and then claim back? i done one today the best package with a 60quid excess dus that mean i would only have to pay the first 60 then insurance pays the rest? never drove mg so not very clued up on insurance.
Think ur right about the 60 quid excess aye but not the claiming back. Insurance company paid the vet. Vet even had her up for unnecessary check ups couple times later probly so he could claim more, ther all scamming lol


Well-Known Member
Think ur right about the 60 quid excess aye but not the claiming back. Insurance company paid the vet. Vet even had her up for unnecessary check ups couple times later probly so he could claim more, ther all scamming lol

insurance is one big fucking scam is it not! remember as a kid me old man was back on the scene for a few yrs him n me mum brought a house i think if you buy a house you have to get house insurance or either its the done thing anyway? but when he fucked off yet again... me old dear done a fake burglary lol i claimed to own every fucking ps1 game there was happy times lol house got repossessed not long after not so happy times lmao


Well-Known Member

insurance is one big fucking scam is it not! remember as a kid me old man was back on the scene for a few yrs him n me mum brought a house i think if you buy a house you have to get house insurance or either its the done thing anyway? but when he fucked off yet again... me old dear done a fake burglary lol i claimed to own every fucking ps1 game there was happy times lol house got repossessed not long after not so happy times lmao
We all die


Well-Known Member
that we do mate, and im a walking advert for early death, heavy smoker but from 4days ago, heavy drinker, fucking way overweight, not to mention the 20yrs of drug abuse n what thats done to the body lmao

needs me some insurance

night all
dont believe the hype, early death is over predicted, Jim Morrison


Well-Known Member
It fucking loved my setup, I was killing it till someone killed them lol
Yeah the pics were lush via mail and u package like a pro,best cuts I've received is off u they always live long and prosper and simple bit ingenious stealth next to that's my guy but he'll remain nameless out of common courtesy. But dang he's. Slick


Well-Known Member
i dunno mate looks ropey imo, leaves are fucked bud all over the place, am shore the smoke is top notch but she looks like im imagining her to grow and thats a pain in the arse, ive promised me mate i will grow a few runs of 1-2 plants of her but that dont look like no cash cropper to me.
Dude ur a better grower than I, if I can keep em green till the 3 day night cycle b4 trim, u definitely can stick a bamboo in the middle n use wire to keep it together like I did but she could of been managed better, I just wanted to test the penetration n no airy buds,hard nugs,good high,well balanced but she is a little disappointing on odor, well in comparison the my dbxl3


Well-Known Member
U know there's companies do like a pet courier scrambo?
I'm sure if u contact the breeder they can sort it but you'll need a passport for the dog and any responsible breeder will ask you more questions than u them lol mine came to visit my house n I recommend pet insurance with any pedigree breed due to interbreeding like hip dysplasia,cancer n so on so if ur enquiring ask have they been him scored,temperament of parents bloods tested n so on. I know u just want a pet but tbh even my little 54kg rottie is technically a weapon (restricted breeds pfft)
The one cat we didn't insure cost me..keeping in mind the catss hers n I ended up spending just over a grand and thats after they gave us a discount but fuck me dude get insurance the younger they are the cheaper it'll be n ours insures us for 250 grand incase some gypsy makes some erroneous claim he attacked him you'd be amazed what the insurance covers as pedigrees need special care like pugs n there respiratory problems n what appears to have glycoma lol I think u should get a dog tbh but u do work a shit load, would u have someone who can handle large breed dogs cuz those cunts smell fear n will assert dominance.
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Well-Known Member
This is what. Rottie should of looked like but ppl kept interbreeding in a small pool to get that massive mastiff face this is how they use to loook
and this was when they carried butchers meat to market 
and now they look more mastiff than anything my fella is nearly over weight actually they're supposed to be average 50kg for a male but some go over 60kg but they can't compete as the dog doesn't comply to the standards n now this is what a rottie looks like now.
I got mine from a farmers working line so my fella isn't 2 bad bit look at these they breed em for appearance not out of passion. I assure u this guys gonna have eye problems
and finally this monstrosity a rottie is a medium to large breed working dog,not a mastiff but an Italian mastiff mixed with a romantic sheep hearing dog.the breed nearly died out till some ppl in rottsdale started putting some hard work in but the damage has already been don't my fella is 1kg or so over weight but large dogs don't react best to being fat,it's alot of pressure on their joints n ligaments n shit. We weight the dogs food now n training days he gets apple slickest as a treat
..but this one's way 2 big the poor thing face is as mastiff as it gets but still a stunning stick with working lines now cuz they consider training play time


Well-Known Member
See how under developed his hind legs n theighs are they should be propper developed now this guys the best breeder I know his dogs are a few grand but u get everything if u follow him on Facebook literally every pup sold went on to win comps.this in my eyes is a perfect example of a rottie and owner 2 pricy for scumbags gets tested,hipscored, temperament tested n he sells staggers sperm amount others to someone in auz or anyone that has a solid line n they got a nice line going over there Screenshot_20170423-091226.png see how everything is in proportion as it should be
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Well-Known Member
Let's see ur sisters pup next time u get the chance.bets she's protective of Urr niece...even if I hug the gf my lad walks in-between us and I remember ud selected a nice linebacker it lucky or ur past experience with the breed but last pics the paws were massive n lovely shade of brown on her


Well-Known Member
Let's see ur sisters pup next time u get the chance.bets she's protective of Urr niece...even if I hug the gf my lad walks in-between us and I remember ud selected a nice linebacker it lucky or ur past experience with the breed but last pics the paws were massive n lovely shade of brown on her
hes really starting to fill out now mate, you no when they still young can look abit gangley lol ill try get a pic from her, yeah he is very protective otf her but ive made shore i was around him quite a lot when he was young so he nos me well and doesnt go mental if im playing about with me niece

them pics of the rotties and what the crossbreeding has done, are bad yeah but not half as bad as some breeds, some breeds are pretty much totally different dogs now compared to in the past, like english bulldogs, puggs etc, its bad cause all just for a look and they get all sort of eye n breathing problems.



Well-Known Member
hes really starting to fill out now mate, you no when they still young can look abit gangley lol ill try get a pic from her, yeah he is very protective otf her but ive made shore i was around him quite a lot when he was young so he nos me well and doesnt go mental if im playing about with me niece

them pics of the rotties and what the crossbreeding has done, are bad yeah but not half as bad as some breeds, some breeds are pretty much totally different dogs now compared to in the past, like english bulldogs, puggs etc, its bad cause all just for a look and they get all sort of eye n breathing problems.

Dude my guy looked like a black lab he was so dangly but they grow to 3+ yrs after 3 they're fully mature (as mature as a rottie gets) but runts sometimes keep on going a bit longer.weve Polish mates that got a bitch, same age as my dog but was twice the size n she was a bitch n they thought it was funny little did they know her hip dysplasia was already showing (that bunny hop thing is a sign)

You should be happy he's dangly they're medium to large breed working dogs how can they work when they can barely run n judging by the pics I've seen ur pups massive paws from what I remember n a stunning face...think u got lucky there mate cuz unless u know the owner it's a gamble but again u know all this she'll fill out later just be happy she's slowly growing


Well-Known Member
Dude my guy looked like a black lab he was so dangly but they grow to 3+ yrs after 3 they're fully mature (as mature as a rottie gets) but runts sometimes keep on going a bit longer.weve Polish mates that got a bitch, same age as my dog but was twice the size n she was a bitch n they thought it was funny little did they know her hip dysplasia was already showing (that bunny hop thing is a sign)

You should be happy he's dangly they're medium to large breed working dogs how can they work when they can barely run n judging by the pics I've seen hardly see lol ur pups massive paws from what I remember n a stunning face...think u got lucky there mate cuz unless u know the owner it's a gamble but again u know all this
oh it was deffo more luck/gamble than anything really lax, im no expert on the breed we was just brought up around em as kids, me oldman had his first one mid 80s i think and pretty shore he had it imported wasnt many about back then.

you can get em so cheap nowdays just fuck nos of the lines prob interbreed to hell them cheapys so just went for a more expensive one with decent history etc, hes got a real good temperament and looks a good size so am happy with him and of course me sister is aswel, is her dog not mine lol

hes i think 18/19month old now.IMG-20170423-WA0002.jpg IMG-20170423-WA0003.jpg



Well-Known Member
oh it was deffo more luck/gamble than anything really lax, im no expert on the breed we was just brought up around em as kids, me oldman had his first one mid 80s i think and pretty shore he had it imported wasnt many about back then.

you can get em so cheap nowdays just fuck nos of the lines prob interbreed to hell them cheapys so just went for a more expensive one with decent history etc, hes got a real good temperament and looks a good size so am happy with him and of course me sister is aswel, is her dog not mine lol

hes i think 18/19month old now.View attachment 3929706 View attachment 3929707
He's fine mate after YR 2 he'll fill out.ots better on his joints this way and I can see the temperament from the pic, ears relaxed,calm n chill.i chased those travellers again...this time I caught the fat one n literally birch slapped him full force and walked away saying u act like a bitch u get slapped like a bitch then they called some skinny gypsy and I walked right up to him as two others older ones about 20yr came from another gypsy house probably thinking it was just me so I approached them,said is everything alright,dog was lunging at him at this stage cuz he could sense my aggression n the dude backed off n I said if they call my dog once more I won't just get him to pop their soccer balls cuz now I know their Faces and yours n each time I see em I'll not walk round just straight through the cunts. Fucking gypsies