The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Merry Crimbo to you & yours Scramno.hope your all good mate, drop you a line soon as :)
nice1 mate, let me no if you need postage donations lol

happy crimbo to you and yours aswel baz hope you have a goodun, im down at me mums this yr but a old mate is over with us and hes buying 2oz next week and sniff for the day so it shouldnt be a bad old crimbo lol

we not even having a roast either too much fucking ag, its a wagyu steak dinner with dauphinoise pots n asparagus.

scallops, baked garlic tiger prawns and them cheap half lobster tails in termador sauce for starters, choc cake n coconut ice cream for desert hmmmmmmmmm lol am looking forward to it.


Well-Known Member
moved on from white russians to prosecco with chambord and frozen berries. I've a box of gaviscon and a crazy chic at work trying to get me drunk. talk about courting disaster.
You have some weird tastes lol, saying that though my day has consisted of prototype Heinz beans(disgusting) and a Craft ale selection box(fantastic selection), Chilli seed mix an about to cook sausage and chips with a 4th different tin of beans lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
The ex is being a dick about paying a mate of mine who put our kitchen / bathroom and central heating in. Saying I should pay half his fee as it was work done when I was in the house but we'd split. Crazy bitch, as if I'm gonna pay for a house she's kicked me out of ffs.

I was about to go round and saw the sofa in half but decided against it. She's just being spiteful after finding out I was seeing someone I reckon.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
You have some weird tastes lol, saying that though my day has consisted of prototype Heinz beans(disgusting) and a Craft ale selection box(fantastic selection), Chilli seed mix an about to cook sausage and chips with a 4th different tin of beans lol
Everyone's different eh. I like a nice variety of booze. We ended up getting a bottle of Jack from the local on the promise to replace it Monday. I don't even like the stuff.


Well-Known Member
Everyone's different eh. I like a nice variety of booze. We ended up getting a bottle of Jack from the local on the promise to replace it Monday. I don't even like the stuff.
Same here, rather fussy with beers though so was quite surp15497822_10157863989800481_1947165591_n.jpg rised to actually like everything they sent in the box lol, got a discount code as well for another box so wanna get that ordered before crimbo post cutoff


Well-Known Member
Nice one man. I'm sure I've tried 3 of those. Rogue brew dog and the morgue. Mikellar good tackle too.
got sent it as a freebie to test/review lol, liked all of em which is strange for me lol, , def piqued my interest in craft beers though, always tended to stick to draught ales before now due to lack of selection of anything different in the area , also got a referral/affiliate code if ya wanna treat yaself at all, knocks a tenner ff the price of a box lol


Well-Known Member
Try delerium if my fav drink 8.5 of madness even has a cool bottle
Unfortunately you dont have too much choice over what they send in the boxes etc apparently once you create a full account there are more options but for now im just gona get another box ordered for xmas day an see how it goes etc, aint got the time or inclination atm to start getting fussy with em lol, only a free trial thing atm


Well-Known Member
Yeah I joined a few beer sites for better prices but haven't been arsed yet I'm into orchard thieves with lemon zest added atm.but I love my beers duvel,westmalle trappis. or u want a 14% kastel will fuck u up all there beers mad strong...bless the Belgians

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
There's a pop up Belgian bar in town my local landlord has put on in toon called lantern rouge now I love me a belgian beer. Kestrel rouge 9% cherry dark Belgian goodness. I might have to go into town now. Fuck haha