The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
naa, just for medical research, has anyone tried to cross Malawi with psyco.killer male ? admitedly he's not the best specimen but a wee stumpy male like presious Mckenzie, looked sturdy enough for n.e scotland, and the malawi is a baby machine, clear to cloudy good for fukt up head's like mine, it's just turning amber-ish --p.2 ? maybe-- speedy buzz got shitloads done...but add baccy and yer brain melt's like it did in '82 when you first smoked it...fuck it's good...looong loong stone time too

smoke .jpg

Enjoy the day


Well-Known Member
Thought I would share this for anyone not seen it yet, our neighbors seem to be heading in the right direction :clap:

Of course not legalising for recreational like the article says but it will be hard prescribing it and pumping out the absolute drivel propaganda at the same time. Over time the truth should prevail as we are seeing a lot of states realising over the pond.

We can only hope......bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Up to my neck in vagina shortly I hope :) Just been looking at the girls in the cella before lights on, first time I've seen em without lights on for weeks, they look wonderful & so much frost .


Well-Known Member
They'll probably legalise it and when a lot of people come out of the shadows to grow they would make it illegal again leaving everyone sawn off at the knees and known to the authorities.