The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Should add another one to that mug.

Bought = Past tense of 'Buy'
Brought = Moved from there to here.

"I've just brought a new ballast"

Oh really, where did you bring it from?..............:roll:

It doesn't half make me laugh that one but it's fucking rife! :lol:


Well-Known Member
So annoyingly I cant find half of the seeds I had here, so now im down to TW n SD oh n a CF bagseed lol, time to get buying methinks


Well-Known Member
Surely you can cadge some clones?
Oh ive got mums/snips of Livers here an at a mates place but the different seeds i was gna run alongside it etc, was hoping to get 3-4 different ones cracked for a bit of variety thru xmas but half of em have gone missing lol

EDIT: Ive got 4 livers as well in the flower cupboard just been flipped to 12/12

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
there's one on 4200 manny lane bd

but i don't think he does hps, just big ass cfls 500w things

Would you ever think a hyroponics shop not selling hps ?

dunno if he got them now tho.

I live in Bradford and there isn't a "4200 Manningham Lane".

Manningham Lane goes from the Hamm Strasse to Lister Park where it becomes Keighley Road and the numbers only go up to about 300.

The biggest grow shop in Yorkshire is on Manningham Lane, called Bradford Hydroponics and it's numbered 95-97.


This is my "local" that sells the 600w Powerplant MH bulbs for £35.

I've known the owner Ben and his family (brother and mother) since they opened the shop about 7 years ago, he also owns Hydroponica in Wakefield.

It's the only grow shop on Manningham Lane that I know of and it's the only grow shop in the center of Bradford that I know of.
And I've lived in Bradford for about 15 years.
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Well-Known Member
Yes Yorkie delete everything in case they trace you from your randomly vague post that details nothing of who you are or where you live etc, they will know its you ( out off all the millions of people that live in Bradford) just bgecause of the way you said it, oh and the hydro shop owner of course only has 1 single person that he knows so piece of piss to track you that way as well......


The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
o dear :)

huston we have a problem.

good damn yorkshireman man !!! 420(0) !!! ??? manny manny hint hint

why don't you just leave your phone number and where you live while you're at it.

Brah it's sloppy here, damn Uk !! illeGAL DUH !

i'm out of this thread .... bye :)

Yes we do have a problem, YOU!

It appears that you don't even live in this fucking country because you seem to be a Yank (although you referred to Manningham Lane as "manny lane" which is something only locals who actually know the road would do so I'm not 100% sure), yet you are trying to tell me what is not only in my county but what's in MY city!

See you didn't know I live in Bradford until I called you out, again you're full of shit and are just plain WRONG.

I am quite confident in saying that Bradford Hydroponics is the ONLY grow shop on Manningham Lane and the ONLY grow shop in the centre of Bradford, if you can prove me wrong then please do but I'll tell you now if you can it certainly isn't number 420 or even near to 400 for that matter! (because the numbers don't go that high)

A few lads in here have my phone number as it happens and I live in a tiny little affluent area called Thackley close to Shipley centre, Shipley being a rural village suburb of Bradford.
So that's narrowed down where I live to 1 main road in about 1/4 of a square mile for you.

And no it's not sloppy here, I scrub all meta data from all photos I ever post so nobody can ever geo-tag my shit.

Tracing a single physical computer from an IP address is not possible so I have no worries there.

And growing cannabis (although yes illegal in the UK) is pretty much decriminalised here for a certain amount.
The Crown Prosecution Service changed the sentencing guidelines a few years ago, you can get caught growing 8 plants and never even see a cell, you'd get Community Service and/or a fine.

We have members of the thread that have been busted (some several times) and have never seen a prison cell.

It's so lapse now in England that Yorkshire is the ganja capital of Europe, we produce more than anybody else.

Yeah I think it's best you fuck off too, you're doing yourself no favours.
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The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
That's yorkies pimped up colt parked behind the merc isn't it

No because I have a Suzuki Swift Sport and there is no Mercedes or Mitsubishi Colt in that photo.


If you open your fucking eyes it's quite clearly a silver BMW, then a light green Rover 200, then a black VW Golf. :dunce:
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