The UK Growers Thread!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
easy all how r we all doing? stoned or thinking about it i hope. had no internet all week nor sky. but we r back now. wot have i missed. ladies well into flower now is exciting time. thinking just over month left. bout light one up and watch ufc before th ex gets back from work.


Well-Known Member
Just got the tent set up ... well no electrics set up just the tent haha , it looks well good so far , the dimpled mylar is alot thicker than i thought!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i'm hereforth banning all talk of livers on this thread untill mine is done in about 3-4 weeks. i shall personaly be handing out infractions lmfao ;););) (i'm joking just incase u cant pick up on the sarcasm through the web page lol)


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1618732View attachment 1618731View attachment 1618730

Everything is looking good. Next time I do a SOG Im gonae SCROG. You live and learn

PS - I thought the 3rd pic was good for me. lol (quite arty)
Lookin crackin billy boy, you arty farty fooka!! lol

The fairy came to me this morning with a sample of them Livers. What a smell........ I'll inform you guys of the smoke later
the liver clone fairy visited me last night :D
Ma fucking office is reeking. One of the wee birds just said "I can smell some quality green". lol
Its in one. lol Don't think u understand the smell of the
Mmmmm.......pate. Gonae finish up early a shmoke up the livers and get a bit of tiger on the ps3
Just smoked my first bit of livers. Very tasty. Really stoned. That my smoke report. What more do u
that the livers dude?
i'm hereforth banning all talk of livers on this thread untill mine is done in about 3-4 weeks. i shall personaly be handing out infractions lmfao ;););) (i'm joking just incase u cant pick up on the sarcasm through the web page lol)
Offt. Fuck having alot of that stuff about. Say goodbye to a week or so

Right lads im with las on this 1 lets ban the livers talk, its doin my nut in!!!!!!....... i live round the corner where the shit came from and i cant get my hands on sod all, not had a wiff of the blues for weeks!! :(
Im hopin the fairy will visit me!!....go on flower! please???? lol


Well-Known Member
i agree - i got a about a 7-10 week wait before i get my first taste :~( it's gonna be excruciating

edit - i didn't mention that forbidden word..

i'm hereforth banning all talk of livers on this thread untill mine is done in about 3-4 weeks. i shall personaly be handing out infractions lmfao ;););) (i'm joking just incase u cant pick up on the sarcasm through the web page lol)


Active Member
I'm feeling better as I think I was a complete tool with the way I plugged my contactor in. Basically I'm thinking my malfunctioning timer is down to it being plugged into a 4-plug extension thing instead of straight into the wall.
This blue cheese i bought is decent, still jealous of you lot tootin on the 'plants that cant be named' (this includes exo cheese & blues for me)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
haha "blues" still counts but i'll let u off this one time as it wasnt mentioned before lmfao ;)

i think i said in my tired state but the exodus is coming to the uk soon guys, ur fairy is gonna be getting a clone fairly soon :)