Lol you got copper field flying around his audience and cutting himself in 2 with a 2 metre saw... No trips to AnE, then u got some dodgy paper bag trick which would have been lame if it went right, and he Fkin pulls it out trying to apologise, it needed a specialist hand surgeon to remove it properly so she prob got lasting nerve damage to her fingers, great showI seen that this mornin zedd near wet meself ha![]()
Omg those eastie rednecks, he didn't line up his arrow on bowstring stop so it flew into his brain?abracadabra. damn that magician is a tool. reminds me of the two guys and that bow and arrow, gone wrong.
Kinda but, with more ganja and boozeBusmans holiday?
smiling uncle this mandela lovers....
Since 1994 over 4000 white farmer families have been brutally raped, murdered and skinned alive and altogether 70 000 whites murdered by blacks in this Genocide being condoned by then president Mandela and the current ANC government, why doesn't the UN step in? Impose sanctions? Put Mandela on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity? Is there that much White Guilt that the world ignores this? Under Apartheid there were no such murders, government sanctioned murder or cruelty or inhumane conditions as the Boer Whites have had to suffer, If whites did this to non-whites or even whites doing it to whites the US and her allies would invade and save the population from being annihilated in this type of genocide!
only 6-7 degrees above what its supposed to be here this weekDoing alreet here like!
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