The UK Growers Thread!


New Member
Use a good canna specific soil not a cheap garden centre one. No feeding for first few weeks then go easy with nutes, the recommended dose on the bottle will be very high. More nutes does not equal better weed. Get a few grows under your belt and you can learn to read your plants. You will know then when you can push them a little. Don't over water (common mistake) let the top inch or so of soil feel dry before you water. The roots will grow bigger as they search for water.
Read, read read. Plenty of good info on here just don't take everything as gospel cos there is plenty of stoners myths perpetuated also. Like flushing - a lot of people swear by it but it makes no difference. It's all in how you dry and cure. Good luck.
One last thing as @bazoomer so rightly pointed out, tell no fucker what you're doing.
Any questions?
I was looking at a canna professional soil on amazon but someone on another thread suggested canna coco natural. Do you have any knowledge of those?
I was planning on only growing 4 plants to begin with, do you reckon that's a decent number or should I go for a few more?

where you from man?
Sunny, sunny Ayrshire 8-)8-):lol: What about everyone else?


Well-Known Member
I was looking at a canna professional soil on amazon but someone on another thread suggested canna coco natural. Do you have any knowledge of those?
I was planning on only growing 4 plants to begin with, do you reckon that's a decent number or should I go for a few more?

Sunny, sunny Ayrshire 8-)8-):lol: What about everyone else?
do you reckon that's a decent number or should I go for a few more? Fill it up, as someone once pointed out to me, if you can see the floor you are doing something wrong ;-)


Well-Known Member
I was looking at a canna professional soil on amazon but someone on another thread suggested canna coco natural. Do you have any knowledge of those?
I was planning on only growing 4 plants to begin with, do you reckon that's a decent number or should I go for a few more?

Sunny, sunny Ayrshire 8-)8-):lol: What about everyone else?
try the soil first its easier


Well-Known Member
RIP slh07, it's in the bin, my own fault for using ghs
What's the story with the amnesia core cut, breeding etc ?
I heard it is from a seed found in some ssh or it's a pheno of ssh. Something like that. That's just info I've read online, all I know it's it's an awesome combination of quality and yield and really unfussy to grow.


Well-Known Member
we got a man down, ffs, decriminalise weed next prime minister, too many talented growers getting their lives fukked by insane laws, pigs will do what they are told to do, even they don't wanna do it cept for the stealing cash and weed bit.......CUNTS, the geezas a legend imo


Well-Known Member
I heard it is from a seed found in some ssh or it's a pheno of ssh. Something like that. That's just info I've read online, all I know it's it's an awesome combination of quality and yield and really unfussy to grow.
Never heard of it before, sounds like a nice addition to the thread

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I love angry don he's such a rarity
calm as a cumber me, when i get going though. in only know rto fight firty, I kished my jujistchu i the bals las week he had to five mins and he had thencock guasrds of lmso

hahah medicucnt, merlot.. enjoy your
the glue #4 from uk, lo best get to getting int ht yank though ooh and mind on et that blue dream while your on pit up the test flavour of the month.. numpty. i mean ffs you go to despirsary buy a snip don't kno your born,


Well-Known Member
we got a man down, ffs, decriminalise weed next prime minister, too many talented growers getting their lives fukked by insane laws, pigs will do what they are told to do, even they don't wanna do it cept for the stealing cash and weed bit.......CUNTS, the geezas a legend imo
Not good news. Idk who it is but that's awful. The U.K. need to let up a bit. I thought you could have a few trees and it was just about permissible. Hope he gets out soon.

My mate out here just got done with 16 lights in 13 square metres. He has to sign weekly for ages and then have a court date. He'll be under 10kg so should be ok. I'm not going near him though! Not for a while! Lol


Well-Known Member
We took a taxi home last night, a journey we shan't forget in a hurry.

Well, you know how it's Ramadan, well we got a mad Muslim last night. Nothing against Muslims, I have some friends who are, they aren't the ones who do Ramadan though.

The guy drove like a nutter, so much in fact that when other taxi drivers caught us up at the lights they were looking at him and then checking out our reaction in the back. Thought he was gonna run a bike off the road at one point. Got home cheap though.

Had one another week that did 140km/hr through a tunnel. That was a cheap fast ride back.

Beware of Muslims this month, they aren't eating all day and some act crazy.