The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Bottom leaves on my seedlings are curled up, they're not as bad as some I've seen on here but still concerning me. New leaves didn't seem to do the same until tonight when I'm seeing them starting to curl slightly, which is why I'm posting now. Color looks good. Temps ranging from 30-33c and humidity around 30-40%. They stand around 5" tall, all starting to grow 3rd set of leaves. They've had a really low feed of nutes yesterday after I transplanted to lager pots.

From what I've read it's the heat, I've got HPS 400w bulb at 28" from top of canopy in an 80x80x160 tent. All vents open. Even opened top of the zip door. Also got a 12" desk fan on highest setting pointed at the light, slight movement from the breeze on the leaves. 4" extractor fan running 24/7. If I put my hand right over the leaves it not hot at all, I thought if it was heat I would feel it with hand? Central Hearing is off, window open, room is cool to stand in. So if it is heat I don't know how to get it lower.

Anyone got any ideas? Or what to look out for if it could be something else?

Picture is few days old. Looks a little worse now. All others similar to that.


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Well-Known Member
Looking into it more I'm certain it's heat stress. But how can I get the heat lower? If I open the zip door the humidity will drop won't it? Would directing the fans a bit more towards the canopy help?


Well-Known Member
whats your experience wit taking cuttings off the zlh because i took 20 cheese cuts and 5 lemon and 5 zlh every singal ones rooted in 2 weeks but the zlh took almost 4 and only one rooted and now its been weeks and its only grew maybe 4 cm and the others are dead but the cheese and lemon skunk are ready to flip in size ?
Sativas some times harder longer to root. I do the cut with a spare node, then do another cut on the next node under water and dip straight in fresh clonex to my rockwool. 4 weeks rooting SLH is normal ime? Oh and just been suspended for not detailing my time on the mop, just before xmas too the bastards...! Anyone would think people were queing up to clean up dead animal carcasses :finger:

i forgot about my seeds for a week. they coulda gone straight into hydro haha
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took a few branches of the plemon early and half arsed trimmed them. needs must n that
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cheered me up them seedlings lol fucking shows you how determined they are to survive though.


Well-Known Member
i dont give a fuck it aint mine just got asked if i knew why and i dont just thought id ask in here as it wasnt getting any nutes