In meath man ? Fuk that and drivin to dundrum ???I'm payin 60 e for a twin room, sharing with a m8, its a hotel too and that's pretty cheap but its a bit of a drive, good enough place tho in ashbourne
Only 20 - 25 min drive man, not that far. Plus hard to find anywhere else at a good price m8 I'm fed up looking. Be working 7-7 so no time for looking when I'm down like. And better somewhere u know what ur getting than ending up in a shithole lolIn meath man ? Fuk that and drivin to dundrum ???
Yea deffo 30 a nite haUr backyard fit a tent lol
Ha utd wer 12 to 1 last friday for the legue threw a tenner on em.. bit early yet but ya nva knowIf ur reading sambo nice win for spurs the day, nice enough draw for the toon too don.......and even better win for utd now top of the league
Im in a last man standing only 3 of us left we wer all on utdSome mad results lately, makes it interesting. My m8 got 6 teams up in the irsh league today, 300 odd quid for a few pound.....haven't been doing much betting mesel
whoa man snot like u to smoke, u in the fukkit mode yeah?Smashed ,smokin pipes of some shizz I got here off a billy noshizz, what ever the fuck that means
looks quality manMy first attempt at making bho has went quite well. I blasted about 10g of bud/trim and got just over a gram back. Gonna make a load more during the week !
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purging doesn't get rid of non volatiles, its these that cause the probs hence why most on here use uber clean butane, needs to be lab made butane imo for purity not petro-butane from fractional distillation imo, I wont touch it, tried it once and got neuropathy for 2 days in my arms lol must be a pussy when it comes to tolerance to waste products from oil refining imothat looks nice hulk u got a pressure chamber too to purge it? or u just gonna leave it to do itself?
better off heating it mate imo, this vacuum purging is gash science imoMakka no I've no chamber to purge. I just done it on a heat plate. It's now like glass and snaps perfectly. I've already hit a cpl dabs.
Cheers zeddd I'm happy with it for my first attempt it's fucking lovely strong smoke.