The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Then you must have missed the other 3 threads he started...............

Yes Ive had stuff off Rambo in the past,Whats your point? Ive also bought stuff from Asda , still doesnt change the fact he acted like a cunt, 2 cuts i paid full whack for back in 08 roughly, then in the time since then ive had i think 2 other things off him that ive paid or traded bud for, never had a freebie in the time ive known contrast i sent him a freebie cut back in roughly `13,

You think this is fucked up? Well just be lucky we werent in the same room when it happened as I would have smashed the cunt for talking to me like that n then forgot he ever existed 6 seconds later

So he is the only person allowed to have a bad day then eh?None of the rest of us could ever possibly have our own shit going on could we?? STOP MODDYCODDLING THE JUNKIE TWAT FFS!!! You all just keep making excuses for the bloke, if anyone else acted like that in here you would hound em out of here in a fucking heartbeat n ive seen it happen hundreds of times
oh again your the fukin mma expert lol


Well-Known Member
Then you must have missed the other 3 threads he started...............

Yes Ive had stuff off Rambo in the past,Whats your point? Ive also bought stuff from Asda , still doesnt change the fact he acted like a cunt, 2 cuts i paid full whack for back in 08 roughly, then in the time since then ive had i think 2 other things off him that ive paid or traded bud for, never had a freebie in the time ive known contrast i sent him a freebie cut back in roughly `13,

You think this is fucked up? Well just be lucky we werent in the same room when it happened as I would have smashed the cunt for talking to me like that n then forgot he ever existed 6 seconds later

So he is the only person allowed to have a bad day then eh?None of the rest of us could ever possibly have our own shit going on could we?? STOP MODDYCODDLING THE JUNKIE TWAT FFS!!! You all just keep making excuses for the bloke, if anyone else acted like that in here you would hound em out of here in a fucking heartbeat n ive seen it happen hundreds of times
No there was a group of us in here that I considered sorta friends online but that's all just shite I suppose,
If anyone of yours had a bad day I've never been one to have a go at the reg members I've only ever had a go at the newbies and yanks,
Fair enough you've paid or traded for everything off Rambo, still don't mean you should be so disrespectful when he's not here to reply for himself,
And your always on about how your an ex doorman that would put us all on out arses but your just coming over as a keyboard warrior what does it matter if your a big guy, I'm a tall skinny cunt that's barely 10 stone but I've put many a bigger guy down, but you won't hear me threatening it online. That's just sad.
Cmon man lets keep the thread friendly among us good regular members.


Well-Known Member
No there was a group of us in here that I considered sorta friends online but that's all just shite I suppose,
If anyone of yours had a bad day I've never been one to have a go at the reg members I've only ever had a go at the newbies and yanks,
Fair enough you've paid or traded for everything off Rambo, still don't mean you should be so disrespectful when he's not here to reply for himself,
And your always on about how your an ex doorman that would put us all on out arses but your just coming over as a keyboard warrior what does it matter if your a big guy, I'm a tall skinny cunt that's barely 10 stone but I've put many a bigger guy down, but you won't hear me threatening it online. That's just sad.
Cmon man lets keep the thread friendly among us good regular members.
Actually ive never said anything about anything physical with any one of you, ive only ever spoke of stuff thats happened in my past, now you are just making shit up as you go along for some reason or just have a bad memory, also ive NEVER said im a big guy n if you care to trawl back thru my posts i quite clearly state on more than one occasion im only 5 10 n about 12 stone, yet another thing you made up,,,,,


Well-Known Member
I can't even be arsed with the time it would take to sit and pick out all the inaccuracies in that post.
And I'm too tired and have work in the morning to waste even more time arguing with someone on an online forum.
I thought you were one of the good guys sae It amazing how wrong someone can be.


Well-Known Member
I can't even be arsed with the time it would take to sit and pick out all the inaccuracies in that post.
And I'm too tired and have work in the morning to waste even more time arguing with someone on an online forum.
I thought you were one of the good guys sae It amazing how wrong someone can be.
total cunt hes on ignore lmfao


Well-Known Member
I can't even be arsed with the time it would take to sit and pick out all the inaccuracies in that post.
And I'm too tired and have work in the morning to waste even more time arguing with someone on an online forum.
I thought you were one of the good guys sae It amazing how wrong someone can be.
Same here mate, quite liked chatting to you, just a pity you have been sucked into his little head games as well..


Well-Known Member
Nno, it aint just a pop at you, ive been here longer than 99% of you an seen him do it to numerous ppl over the years


Well-Known Member
Same I'm outta here for the foreseeable future. Anyone who wants me has my email or phone number. Those that don't have it either pm me for it or if your a cunt then your not meant to have it !