The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Feeling a tad broken meself lol had a g of kovo and i was very naughty n cooked most it up last fucking hrs then i was doing the crackcrawl lol looking for bits u no u never dropped lol thank fuck im skint now need a break.

Starting back at a gym 2mora might do a spinning class n get a bike right at the back n eyeball all the arse in front lol
best fun I ever had with coke was smoking crack whilst indulging in naughty, lol so strait these days


Well-Known Member
Looks like a view of the Amsterdam library, you are probably in the same boat that Jig stayed in when he came over. Just near the Nemo science museum (looks like a boat sunk in the water). You are not far from where I live:) If you look the opposite way when you come out your boat you will see a windmill. Thats a local brewery that I go to...practically on a daily basis.....don't tell the wife!


Well-Known Member
Lol yeah Dst it's prob the same boat, we are next to the nemo place.
Sambo the boat I'm on is right next to that floating chinky restaurant
Right I'm off out for some smoke and some food. Later lads !


Well-Known Member
Lol yeah Dst it's prob the same boat, we are next to the nemo place.
Sambo the boat I'm on is right next to that floating chinky restaurant
Right I'm off out for some smoke and some food. Later lads !
thnk was the same place mate where we stayed blue boat hotel next to the chnky


Well-Known Member
hey guys hows it going its almost the weekend \o/

tell ya what tho the boardom being at home all day on me tod is shit tho now kids are at full time school