The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
morning all, just had a brown trouser moment on school run, walking along an all of a sudden 8-9 old bill cars just swarm in on me, screech to a halt right beside me n then proceed to run straight past me n knock someones door off its hinges lmao, proper shit meself for 5seceonds or so lol


Will put some up in a mo, put the little fuck ers in a cooler dark place coz I think I might have left the lights on for 24 hours, there only 10 days from cut. Plus ive been wanking over the nun eating shit thing someone said about on here. Super nasty.


Well-Known Member
Was reading a story on the news over here, police found 730 plants inside a partially built house which had no water or electricity, there was a large industrial generator at the house with heavy cables running from it which powered a number of "neon" lights.....

Wtf, they must mean led lights. Fuckin madness trying to do that lol. They arrested a guy after DNA was found on a can at the house, the guys a spark and claims he done work on the house when bein built lol


Ok update, 2 starting to look a bit better, 2 look a bit ropey still and 2 are dead. I know someone is going to say about the clear cups but I black out the sides and leave bottom clear, as soon as I see the root at bottom I transplant, right or wrong??

