The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Rev n goes all the way geez lool my first ever ride was on one of those at 5 am with my bro when we tried to sneak in my dad went fucking mad haha think that's what pute off em lmao
i had a 125 italjet dragster for years fooking loved it, came of the cunt loads tho lol rode that thing back from south west france all the way to harlow, first time id ever rode on a motoway n that shat a brick the whole way lol but when i eventually got to harlow fuck man i felt like id Concord Everest or something lmao


Well-Known Member
Lmfao bet your arse was kissing the seat all the way man haha some trek that like

18hr it took i think, pissing down the whole way me dad followed me threw france on a proper bike a 1100cc sumfing, but i had to find me way from dover thats when i really started to poop meself lol customs on the french side but english customs tore me and the bike to shreds there was 5-6 taking the bike to bits n going threw all me minging dirty clothes lol id been working with me dad on some old house he was renovating, fuck no's what they thought they where gonna find on a lil 125 lol


Well-Known Member
i had a 125 italjet dragster for years fooking loved it, came of the cunt loads tho lol rode that thing back from south west france all the way to harlow, first time id ever rode on a motoway n that shat a brick the whole way lol but when i eventually got to harlow fuck man i felt like id Concord Everest or something lmao
that's a good road trip man


Well-Known Member
yeah fuck that on a ped. you must have looked moody as fuck to the customs lol.

i got it once in dover too, not fun but got out with all my weed so was worth it for the buzz


Well-Known Member

18hr it took i think, pissing down the whole way me dad followed me threw france on a proper bike a 1100cc sumfing, but i had to find me way from dover thats when i really started to poop meself lol customs on the french side but english customs tore me and the bike to shreds there was 5-6 taking the bike to bits n going threw all me minging dirty clothes lol id been working with me dad on some old house he was renovating, fuck no's what they thought they where gonna find on a lil 125 lol
fukn hassel would put me off travelling, weirdest thng for me is I never been stopped once in any country at customs and I used to travel a lot in India Africa se asia etc.all drug cunt has ever stopped me and I had drugs on me most times I crossed a border, stopped doing it now rec 30 years of doing it is enough and I have run out of luck...even when was carried off a plane in s America they didn't find my gear lol, it was so far up my arse I needed a shit to find it myself lol


Well-Known Member
Haha ya mad head....have u seen them kits u can get for push bikes where u can whack a 79cc engine on it lmao looks cool as fuck I want one
i had one of them lil scooters with a 50cc engine on the back lol dangerous as fuck it was one of these but not a go-ped just a cheapy


you can even get roller skates which one skate has a 50cc engine on lol n you got hand controls for it, thought that was a bit much tho lol


Well-Known Member
fukn hassel would put me off travelling, weirdest thng for me is I never been stopped once in any country at customs and I used to travel a lot in India Africa se asia etc.all drug cunt has ever stopped me and I had drugs on me most times I crossed a border, stopped doing it now rec 30 years of doing it is enough and I have run out of luck...even when was carried off a plane in s America they didn't find my gear lol, it was so far up my arse I needed a shit to find it myself lol
i spose i just look like a dodgy fuck lol i always get tugged by customs, dont get me started on being pulled of planes either im still trying to forget that 3yrs later lol