The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
im waiting on a decent copy of the new terminator, yeah that mad max wasnt too bad at all i thought dunno bout jurrasic park tho lol
Yeah I'm waiting on the new terminator film it looks pretty good, supposed to be the proper follow up to terminator 2 judgement day. Cos the last 2 films have been pretty shit


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm waiting on the new terminator film it looks pretty good, supposed to be the proper follow up to terminator 2 judgement day. Cos the last 2 films have been pretty shit
i do love me terminators i didnt mind salvation wasnt that the last one?

dont watch that many movies tbh.


Well-Known Member
Anyone I know who's seen it in the cinema said it was great...

The original was good. Remember watching that shit on VHS back in the day :D
the original was good yeah back in the day when you was 12 lol spose it will be a entertaining enough the new one.

you seen that wolf of wall street?


Well-Known Member
i do love me terminators i didnt mind salvation wasnt that the last one?

dont watch that many movies tbh.
Yeah salvation was the last one, but it was defo lacking big arnie lol
T3 rise of the machines was shit tho I never did enjoy that one much
I watch a lot of films but only if it's something I really like the look of


Well-Known Member
Luuuuudes man where's the fucking luuuuuudddeessss ?? Lmao
A few in here went on the lude quest after that film came out haha
quest? we just ordered em online lol

you need a shitload to get like in the film tho, good job i had a shitload then lol they are better smoked tho.


Well-Known Member
If ya like stoner films, watch 'Dazed and Confused'. It came out in like 94-95 but it's a good easy watch with a joint or two.


Well-Known Member
quest? we just ordered em online lol

you need a shitload to get like in the film tho, good job i had a shitload then lol they are better smoked tho.
I know mate but did u not need to get em shipped from South Africa or some shit like that
They ain't really manufacturer anymore well not like they were back then when the film was set.


Well-Known Member
I know mate but did u not need to get em shipped from South Africa or some shit like that
They ain't really manufacturer anymore well not like they were back then when the film was set.
yeah SA, thats the only country that still has a market for em n dodgy labs making em, its still luude just not as strong as the script stuff of course, its common as fuck over there but they generally just use it to make there shit weed stronger lol they smoke it mixed in weed.

i had 10g of luude powder tho so was well enough to get that proper wolfy buzz on, ghet reckons i called him whilst on em mumbling until me pal took the phone of me and told him i was too mashed to talk lmao